Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Waz Happenin' in Y'all Deskhood?

Okay, let's just get it over with... "Wednesday? Again? So soon? No! But Yes!" There we go, formal gasps all done and dusted and onto table talk. If you're up for Reality Blogging then head over to Julia's, and let your crafty zone strut it's stuff on the "What's on your workdesk Wednesday?" Catwalk... Here's a shot taken during a mid pounce and ink moment.
That's a rejected card on the left due to an over zealous inky corner! Don't you just love those?
New stash! Used to be more of a Do than Die lady but I'm slowly being converted to less snip stress.
I've made two cards for my weekly dose of Less is More where it's one layer and birdies!
I square punched my own stencil and opted for Distress Inks and an old fave by Paper Artsy. This one worked first time!
Went for another as I cannot resist sunsets and I'm also trying to make at least two with the same theme to build up a better collection for selling. I'm joining in with a handmade card exhibition next week and whilst I was sorting out my cards I came to two conclusions...
a) what a random collection! 
b) must remember to store with matching envelopes.
Spent a whole night scavenging the planet for envelopes...
The exhibition, called House of Cards, is at The Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre, Craven Arms and and starts next Saturday on the 28th. It's really great to see the walls adorned with so many handmade creations - and of course sell a few. I'll share more in a few weeks time...

Just a reminder that I have an ATC challenge and fab prize at My Mojo Monthly this month! Here are my three damsels to get you feeling inspired... Hope to see a few of you join in! Go on, ATCs are so much fun...
And that, said Fred, is that! Thanks for having a look round, even a quick peek and a few words are much appreciated! I made it to 110 desks last week before time, Blogger and hallucinations got the better of me. Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more...!  
À bientôt, Sarah.


  1. Well, here in the US it's still Tuesday night but I was so happy to look at my first WOYWW I've never made it through all them once. I keep trying. Love your less is more cards! have a great day!

  2. Like Peggy said above, it's still Tuesday where I'm at so I'm getting a jump on it!! I actually made it to every blog last week but couldn't leave comments on some because of blogger trouble.

    Your cards look fabulous - very simple but very colorful.

    I'm sure I'll be towards the bottom of the list!!! hee hee


  3. Fab desk this morning Sarah, and I love your new stash, can't have enough dies!! Gorgeous cards, love those inky square.
    Happy WOYWW
    Cathy xx

  4. Do or die. Loved it. Dies are great if you have the machine to use them with. Your choices are fantastic! Happy WOYWW from #1.

  5. Gorgeous cards and adore your ATC's will pop over and check it out.Happy wedensday have creative week
    hugs judex

  6. Your cards are gorgeous as are the ATC's but i have serious die envy and can't concentrate any longer... ;)

  7. Very pretty!


  8. Great desk, fab new dies and great atc s, happy woyww hugs tracex no9

  9. Wonderful projects today...wish you were here to help me finish mine!

  10. Loving the cards :))
    Have a very happy woyww day
    Jennie #5

  11. Gorgeous pair of LIM cards Sarah!
    I love things in threes!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  12. beautiful cards Sarah. I too have become a die person rather then a cut it out myself person. I have most of the Tim Holtz dies and use them a lot! Hope you have a great week. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #33

  13. Wow, those ATC's are divine and the cards a fab. So you a slowly moving towards dies .... yep it gets us all in the end.

  14. Loving the desk Sarah, those cards are beautiful, colours are fab ! Have a great day :-)

  15. Oh..lots of fun things. Love the variety, but I really love the new dies. I haven't shopped around much with the holidays and all. Happy WOYWW and keep up the crafty spirit.

  16. Thanks for sharing how you made your cards with your template. A great idea. Both cards are very stunning in the blue and yellow.

  17. Thank you for sharing a bit of your world with us WOYWWers this morning! I hope you have a wonderful week. I got to grips with dies a while ago now and can't imagine life without them! Less time cutting shapes I used a lot means more inking and stamping time, good thing in my book! Your cards look great, I like the blue one the most.
    Neil # 34

  18. what a great card thanks for sharing x
    Becky #45

  19. I've really enjoyed your show and tell today....gorgeous cards.
    A x

  20. oh I just fell off my chair laughing at myself, I'm dashing to do a few desks before leaving for work, and thought, yes agree, die cuts save time and effort ( but so samey?) then my jaw dropped - you did a card with a huge legend saying SNOG, I did a double take after picking myself up off of said floor and realised it says song!

    ah it's going to be an interesting day if I don't start paying attention!

  21. Wonderful cards Sarah
    Love them both, but, the blue horizontally just does it for me!

    Many thanks
    "Less is More"

  22. How can I not love thos cards!! Lol I might be biased, but your taste is impeccable as ever! LOL the ATCs are off the scale, stunning!
    Leandra x

  23. I always love your cards Sarah and the ones for Less Is More are the tops. I'm slowly succumbing to buying more dies but I need a new cutter to cope with the bigger ones, difficulty is deciding which one.
    Ann B

  24. Those atcs are awesome, love the two cards you made as well, i am seeming to use die cuts more and more as well

    Thanks for the peek

    Judie xx

  25. Such lovely goodies on your desk and fab projects!

  26. Lovely dies! Since I have the Vagabond I have been making a collection of dies - it is a lot easier to just push the button and an intricate shape comes out the other end! Your LIM cards are gorgeous!

  27. Those bird cards are lovely, especially the sunset ones, and a perfect entry to Less is More. Maggie #70

  28. Hi Sarah, I love your spirit! You're always so enthusiastic, and even if I haven't joined your mojo monthly YET, I do appreciate all the work you've put into it, especially the interviews! Patsy from

  29. Hooray for new toys! And your card is beautiful, I might have to try that one!
    Aeryn (15)

  30. Two fabulous sunset cards Sarah, I love sunsets too :O) Viv xx

  31. Great snoop Sarah. Love the cards and also those ATCs. Great style you have,
    JoZarty x

  32. Great 'less is more' cards. I don't have a huge die collection, but I do have two of the TH designs you're showing today. The tag and the hearts, both so very useful.
    Fiona #118

  33. Fun ATC's and beautiful sunsets, what more could I want to see on a lovely sunny morning. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your craft show. Hugs, Neet x

  34. Your clean-and-simple cards are really lovely. I, too, am becoming more and more interested in dies. I want to get alphabet dies from Papertrey Ink next -- using the negative space is very trendy right now and they'd work perfectly, I think.

  35. Wow, these are really amazing, I think the blue one has to be my favourite, but both stunning
    Enfys x

  36. Great new dies, your cards are beautiful... but those ATCs - they are so gorgeous that I have no words to tell it!!! Simply Love them!
    Tuire xx

  37. absolutley loving the simplicity of these cards. Mojo is definatley sparked. Happy Crafting XX Sharne ( Fresh as a Daisy)

  38. Liking your less is more cards. I notice that I'm a bit the same about the dies...increasingly I can make a card that has little to do with stamping and that is a shock!

  39. These cards are really beautiful. Lee x

  40. I never thought that I would be a die cutting girl either but there are some dies that you just can't live without!!!
    Loving your less is more cards, colours are just gorgeous.

    Lin #141

  41. Yummy gorgeous 'song' cards - I love both colourways. Oh ok, may be the blue wins by a neck!! I'd buy them...
    Hugs, LLJ #43 xx

  42. I am loving your LIM cards Sarah. I know what you mean about envelopes....I never remember to marry my cards up with envelopes before stashing them away...

  43. I do love the one layer cards, especially the blue one-fabulous.

    kyla #39

  44. Sarah your cards are stunning! Very very nice indeed! Love em! I tried to comment on your blog last week but blogger was acting up on me. I began a list so I could go back and comment but after 10 blogs I was a little fed up! Sorry I missed commenting ....I did try! I saved the list and am commenting on those first. Thanks for the visit and have a great day!

  45. Very elegant cards!! And I love those ATCs!

    katie (112)

  46. Terrific LIM cards, I'm sure you'll do well at your craft exhibition with work like this.

  47. popped over from woyww, gorgeous cards and love the atc style x

  48. good reading your blog and some great cards and then...... 110 desks! I mean 110 desks how do you do it, cant seem to get to more than 25 or so.
    I must start my ATC for your challenge.... better get back to the desks then
    happy woyww
    janet #35

  49. Gorgeous cards Sarah - and I have the birdie stamp!
    Take a womble over and you will see what my darling Hubby bought me as a result of the beautiful book you sent to me. I hope you got my message on FB! My fingers are itching to start playing! Gotta wait til Sunday to have a good messy play! Thank you! Just what I needed!

  50. Your cards are gorgeous, would love to steal the butterflies for my project :)

    Von #30 :)

  51. Just love the masking on these cards. Gorgeous!

  52. Absolutely stunning LIM cards, looks fab in both colour ways.

  53. Oh such a lovely simple card (or two)! I love that triptych stamp. So effective the way you used it. Fab.

    Happy late WOYWW!

    Mary Anne

  54. I have to say that I simply ADORE those LIM cards. They are truly superb. xxx

  55. wow these are absolutely gorgeous

  56. Love those cards! enjoy playing with your new dies :o) x

  57. A simply GLORIOUS idea and loving the yellow/orange shades particularly


  58. Reality blogging! I love it. I never thought of it that way, but very true. I love, love, LOVE what you did with the squares and inking through them for a one-layer card. I never think of big backgrounds, sponged bits, or shadow stamping in the back and I simply must!

    Your ATCs totally made me drool. I totally have to check out the challenge. I do not do ATCs justice at all, but I want to learn to be more artsy with them and I think this will be inspirational.

  59. Beautiful cards! Have fun at your expo!

    Happy WOYWW (on Thursday!)
    Katie #16

  60. I see, you have a looooot of comments alredy. But I think one more would not harm ;-)
    I like your both bird cards very much. Great colouring of the squares and a beautiful setting of the stamp.

  61. I think I must be the only person in the world who doesn't own a Timmie die yet! Love the cards, the blue one is my favourite though.

    Brenda 104

  62. Just love those inked squares...perfect frames for the silhouette birds :)
    Jenny x

  63. 2 beautiful CAS cards - they are gorgeous!

  64. Your LIM cards are gorgeous. So different. Just goes to show what you can create by experimenting with colour.
    Dies are very addictive aren't they?
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #101

  65. i love your two cards. very crafty making your own stencil. They both came out very nice.

  66. Brilliant cards and ATCs, and love the gold piece.


  67. Sweet Sarah
    enjoying those lovely ATC's! Just divine honey!
    Hugs across the miles
    Lisa and Elaine @ Destination Art xx

  68. Oh I have new stash envy hehe love the less is more cards Lou #94


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!