Wednesday, December 7, 2011

WOYWW? Glitter, Guilt and A Giveaway!

The Magic Elves definitely cranked up the glitter motor... Boomph! December! I'm a full-on festive lover but just 18 days until Christmas. Eeek! I'm hoping a good dose of tinsel, pine needles and Shopology will get me on track. Thou shalt not panic and fluster. Have even decided I won't be making a huge stack of cards either! Just a few special ones here and there. I've worked hard on Design Team work and my blog all year and with over 70 folk on my list, well...the rest is up to Oxfam. I'm guilt-free and a wiser woman (well, this morning). The trail of debris there is my attempt to "be all done" and free this weekend. Fancy displaying your wares too? Join in with WOYWW? at Julia's. 'Tis merriment galore! Furthermore, here's a bit of this and that...

Despite the above appearances, a smudge shy card emerges. This week at Less is More, it's "green" and my very original take on that is a tree! I used a Wendy Vecchi corner scallop stamp, just cut it down and layered it up! A dash of red and another non-Chrimble sentiment. Me rather likey, but not enough to make 70 of 'em.

A few weeks ago I showed you some pages I made for a swap and here are the gorgeous three I got back. Just beautiful. Huge thanks to Lynne, Marjie and Michael!

 Last week I was up to my ear's in projects for My Mojo Monthly December. I'm glad to say it's all up and running with lots of tin and metal fun.

Here is one of my ideas using an old rusty tin lid. See the whole story and more here! There's also a great interview and amazing artwork from Linda Cain.
And lastly a little giveaway. Seeing as I've escaped the card making guillotine, I won't be getting these out this year. So many of you are doing great stuff with your festive makes. Maybe you can adopt them? Just let me know if you fancy them! I'll pick a name on Saturday so I can get them off in time. A nice stamp set for cards but also tags and wrapping. Right, that "all done" needs chasing. Thanks for the visit. Happy WOYWWing! Sarah.


  1. Beautiful pices of art work!
    I love the stamps as well.
    Have a great week!

  2. Gorgeous cards and love the metal work tin lid.may just have to try that.Love your stamops set too.thanks have fab woyww
    hugs judex

  3. I am constantly amazed at the wonderful art you create, Sarah! And of course, who wouldn't love this treasure! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  4. Hi Sarah, after all the Christmas cards I've made this year I'm thinking along the same lines as you for next year - I'd rather make more time for non-Christmas projects next year. Love the tin lid collage - very effective ... now is there a tin lid anywhere in the house I can pinch ... happy WOYWW to you, Elizabeth x #5

  5. Super card Sarah
    Seems quite a trend this year for scallop trees.
    Your;s is just fabuloulsy done and looks terrific

    Thank you so much
    mandi LIM

  6. I went with a radical idea this year and scanned in my entry for the Quick Cards competition, resized it and printed on to card then matted them on different backgrounds and stamped a season greeting (50 cards in just over 3 hours with the help of my ATG gun)! very liberating and I even got the thumbs up from Dh over them (very rare). I like the look of your stamps - might be pushing my luck but count me in......

  7. lovely to see your work space ... so much inky goodness!! .... Love your pages, so many fabulous makes! Hugs Juls

  8. Such a lot of lovely craftiness on show today. Fab card.
    A x

  9. Hi Sarah, I think you´re right. When you work-craft hard all year, with Christmas it´s time for a rest. Love the LIM card. You see... simple and plain can be beautiful too. xFranka

  10. Great little Christmas tree Sarah and i reallly must look for a few old tins at our next car boot!. xJo

  11. Old rusty tins ... you are a clever girl. I think you could make anything look super.

  12. Hi Sarah! So beautiful pices!!! Love your stamps too.
    Hugs from Norway!

  13. I'm with your on the 'less is more' on making Christmas cards, this year it is definitely charity shop ones from me - more time to play that way.
    Love the tin lid hanging, why haven't I thought of that before, always used the full tin, it makes a great frame.
    Please put me in the draw for the stamps though as I could always frank my own envelopes - wonder if the PO would notice
    Ann B

  14. I like that Christmas card very much - it's sort of retro and modern all wrapped up together. Traditional colours in a non-trad layout, very clever!
    hugs, LLJ #3 xx

  15. Love the card and the generous sharing of your space this week - love how you're guilt free! Very liberating when you make a decision like that! Thank you for the giveaway... you are incredibly generous!

  16. Loving those pages from the swap! The metal tin project is fabulous! Loving it!
    Would love to be enteted in your giveaway! Wow, is it really only 18 days till Christmas? I guess I am going to have to go about things a little faster.

  17. Fabulous pages and the card, Thanks for my snoop, have a great crafting week. Happy WOYWW
    ((Lyn))) #31

  18. So creative as always and I love your SSSS project

  19. What a great desk it's so busy I have had a look at your blog and your projects are lovely they are full of texture and such vibrant rich colour, your little tin is so cute. It's really generous to give us a chance of winning the super stamps, thank you! Have a lovely Wednesday, Laura

  20. Like the fact that you've used a non-Xmas stamp - very original, love the rest of your work too! Karen x

  21. You get a profess,ional photographer in each week don't you? The angle and lighting of your desk shots always so fab. Loving your card, but like you, not into multiples!

  22. beautiful creations, love that vintage picture! I am with you , only making a few special cards and concentrating on other makes this year! those stamps are fabulous so please count me in!
    Happy WOYWW, have a fabulous, creative day, Debxx #104

  23. First congratulations on having your wonderful blog featured in Craft Stamper whoo hoo!
    Your tin is lovely and so are those stamps, please enter me in your draw, thank you and happy creating Sarah :-)

  24. The card is cute! I agree, it might take a while to make 70 of them! LOL! thanks for sharing your desk! Have a great WOYWW!-Amanda 17

  25. Terrific stuff Sarah!
    Your tree looks fab.
    Thanks so much for the snoop too.
    "Less is More"

  26. Great projects here! A lovely, busy, productive desk. Happy WOYWW, Shoshi #56

  27. Some beautiful things and love those stamps.

  28. The tin lid looks great! I've been saving my Altoid tins for a while now and just might venture into making something with them -- or maybe just the lids! They'd be the perfect size for Christmas ornaments.

    Please put my name in the hat for the stamps!!


  29. You never cease to amaze! Very talented and so creative! Thanks for the peek this and have a wonderful week! Love your tree card too by the way!

  30. I love looking at your art work and agree with julia that your photos are really good , but my poor old eyes find it really difficult to read your text as the colour is very similar to your background. happy woyww
    thanks for sharing
    janet #107

  31. Fab creations, and love your lim card, such a fun way to create a tree!


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