Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What's on Your Festive Workdesk Wednesday?

A big festive hello to all fellow WOYWWers and anyone calling by! Well, it's my last show and tell before the Big Day descends with a desk that's looking as ready for Christmas as I am! I lost three months somewhere... Shouldn't it still be October? We're all off to my sister's in Wales and mum and I are head chefs at the banquet fayre!
Every Wednesday, be it Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter you can join in The One and Only Big Desk Snoop by linking up at 'Mrs. Top of the Crop Hostess' Julia's place. I'd just made a quick card but still managed to get in a mess...

Last week I showed just the corner of my Seasonal Gothic Arch and today I managed to get a better picture although it's a tough model to work with! As said I made it at a workshop with the lovely  Lin Brown from LB Crafts (that is no more...) I actually went to Holland to do it and we worked from 9am until midnight!
I really love blue and silver together and this design has a bit of everything I love. Stamping, metal work, beading and sewing... It was a very intensive labour of love on that long day, yet a real joy too. It's a few years old now but I do enjoy getting it out for the holiday season. It's actually above the lounge fireplace...just moved it for the piccy! I've added lots of my own layers and details and still like to feel the textures!
I'll keep it short as I'm sure you are all rather busy! I have to work the next two days so my table-hopping will be a little sneaky and sporadic but I'm looking forward to seeing what you are all up to! I'll leave you with a great big Christmas smooch, a twinkle from my fairy and wish you all a really great holiday time!!!
Cherish that which you hold dear...
A Festive Farewell, Sarah.


  1. Wow. That arch is amazing! I dabbled in tin work and really enjoyed it but the noise the hammering made freaked out my dog so I quit and moved on to something else.

    I'm awaiting for the clock to tick to midnight (or so) to post for WOYWW. Thank you for sharing your space and the arch. The glass angel is so sweet.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  2. That arch is just breathtaking, it is a work of art.
    Happy WOYWW and Merry Christmas.
    Cathy @23 xx

  3. Oh Wow Sarah, this gothic arch is incredible. You are such a talent. Lee x

  4. gorgeous makes sarah...thanks for the 4 days to christmas peek of your workdesk...wishing you and yours a wonderful christmas...hugs kath xxx

  5. Your Gothic arch is exquisite
    Bridget #21

  6. That gothic arch is just amazing. Good luck with the cooking and have a very Happy Christmas, safe travels!

  7. Wow... I love your gothic arch... it is stunning!! Have a lovely Christmas!! Annette #8

  8. Dont work too hard hunni!
    Have very Merry christmas and please pop by i have candy on offer
    hugs judex 22

  9. Oh poor you! Working, oh dear, mind you I am not going to be spending much time at home at the moment either, what with pressie deliveries to make, and shopping I havent done! OOps!
    Happy WOYWW and Happy Christmas,
    Lou #34

  10. That arch is fabulous I can see why you treasure it. Have a wonderful Christmas. Sunshine Girl – No 38

  11. Your desk looks so wonderfully seasonal and that arch card is just wonderful... so worth the time you put into it.... hope you have a really wonderful holiday season...xx

  12. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
    A x

  13. Very organised desk I must say. Love that gothic arch project and the glass angel is beautiful. Happy Christmas to you and your family.

  14. Love your Gothic Arch! I love metal workings! Don't work to hard this week. Hope you and your family enjoy a Merry Christmas holiday. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #44

  15. No wonder you get the arch out every year, it is beautiful.
    Thanks for sharing your desk and best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.
    Ann B

  16. lovely to see all the crafty goodness on your desk, and the gothic arch looks amazing! Hugs Juls

  17. I have one of those Gothic Arches done with Lin and Leandra but mine isn't Christmas themed. Did buy an extra one to do later (ahem....) with a Christmas theme - might do it now you have given me the push I need. Yours is beautiful.
    I just love your Glass Christmas Angel - she is beautiful.
    May I take this opportunity to say, first of all a big Thank You to you for having such a wonderful blog which has inspired me so much throughout the year, I so love looking at what you make, you are so talented. Secondly to wish you and yours a very Happy Christmas and a safe one too.
    Hugs, Neet #4 xx

  18. That arch is awesome - absolutely amazing. No wonder you're proud of having made it. I love all the details and layers and the slightly steampunky quality of it... fab :)
    Wishing you joy and happiness this Christmas,
    Hugs, LLJ #43 xx

  19. Love the arch, simply yummy!happy Christmas trace x

  20. Wow Sarah, your Gothic Arch is incredible, I spent ages pouring over the details, it's really beautiful. Have a fantastic Christmas and New Year too.

    Brenda 71

  21. Your arch is beautiful - i didn't get to that Artsy Crafty event but wish I had. Love your desk too. happy Christmas

  22. Your gothic Arch is gorgeous. That is certainly dedication for such a long day but the result is spectacular. Have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New year to you. Hugs Mrs A.

  23. Lovely post Sarah, as usual! Hope LB is starting a very fulfilling retirement huh...she certainly left us all with bag loads of inspiration!
    Travel well to Wales, have a marvellous Christmas.

  24. Another masterpiece Sarah! You're such an inspiration! Thank you so much for sharing your talents with everyone through your blog this year.
    We wish you a wonderful and safe Christmas and catch you in the New Year. Big hugs across the miles, Lisa and Elaine @ Destination Art Western Australia

  25. Beautiful Arch, stunning, Merry Christmas, Hugs May x x x x

  26. This is just stunning! What amazing detail and texture. Love it!

  27. That arch is gorgeous.
    Merry Christmas Sarah. I have had a thought about the Mojo Monthly and all I need is the time but they say the thought counts! LOL!
    Merry Christmas and enjoy your Christmas in Wales!

  28. Just dropping by to greet you and your loved ones a joyful and blessed Christmas season, Sarah! Your projects are among my favorites and this arch is just sooo gorgeous!
    Thanks for sharing your life and projects with us in your blog! I'm so glad I have one of your works.
    peggy aplSEEDS

  29. The Arch is amazing!! Your desk has some cool products on it, thanks for sharing. Have a fabulous Christmas xx

  30. I love your gothic arch, it's exquisite and certainly a keepsake to treasure.
    Thanks for your Christmas traditions message and it must be so lovely to have a Christmas Eve mooch around Ludlow and the market. I love it there but have not yet visited at this time of year.
    Lv Jo x

  31. That arch is absolutely stunning! And your desk shot is fabulous! Happy Christmas!

  32. Love your gothic Christmas arch, very stylish! have a great Christmas. Enjoy the time with your family. x

  33. Hi there Sarah, thanks so much for popping over. Ah do so love your work of art and t truly is a beauty to behold I too like the blue and silver and all other little bits on it. Enjoy your welsh Christmas, funny how lots reading my post thought we were still doing the camping thing but it stopped in my twenties - we are all more decadent now and live in homes and rarely camp. thanks for thinking of me though and we do walk down tho the beach if time and desire coincide - busy day does not always fit in on that day!
    Happy WOYWW! and thanks for being a blessing to me through 2011. All the blessings of the season as we celebrate the birth of the dear Lord Jesus and the greatest Gift of all, love Shaz in oz. x #20

  34. Your gothic arch is beautiful and your craft space looks very creative ;) Have a fabulous Christmas!!!

  35. Thanks so much for the visit - your table looks like a place of creative activity! Love the gothic arch piece; it's fabulous! Happy Holidays.

  36. Hi Sarah, I'm about as ready as you are too and feeling the need for a bit more time - it's the same every year :) Your Gothic Arch is gorgeous - love the embossing. Thanks for finding the time to leave a comment today. I hope you have a wonderful time over Christmas - I'm sure sharing the cooking will make it such a pleasure. Elizabeth x #46

  37. Beautiful work! Merry Christmas :)

  38. Oh I do SO love your work ... just fabulous. Debbie xXx

  39. This arch is breathtaking!!
    I wish you a very merry xmas and an extraordinary new year!

    Gaby xo

  40. I love your Gothic arch and your twinkly fairy is perfect. You might like to pop back to my blog and read about yet another scam which seems to be doing the rounds (we have just been called from them), just when we are up to our eyes in last minute preparations. Have a lovely Christmas.

  41. Merry Christmas to you and all yours, happy cooking x

  42. Love your arch and the little glass fairy at the end is so cool, I have fairy envy! Merry Christmas

  43. That is truly stunning Sarah, as always. I love your little fairy too. Merry Christmas!

  44. Love your Gothic Arch! I've made a few in the past, but nothing as beautiful as that! Thanks for visiting me, Happy Christmas! RosA#2

  45. Sarah, thank you for a never ending inspirational year! I love to visit to see what you've created and the new inspiration you share with us all! I love how you share your gift and tell it like you were born to do so! Thank you!
    Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas with family and friends and All The Best for a Safe, Happy and Healthy New Year! Thank you for your comments over the last year, I'm so happy you took the time from your busy schedule to visit - Thank You!

  46. Sarah, I think I'm in love. Your metal arch is beautiful! Thank you so much for visiting my blog via WOYWW. I love hopping around and meeting new artists. Have a Happy Holiday!

  47. Well, I’m nowhere near really for the big day Sarah. It’s almost 8pm on Christmas Eve and I still have pressie to wrap. Turkey’s in the oven though and smelling lovely so I think a nice glass of wine and I might be more in the mood, Lol!
    I love the colours of your arch too, the Silver and Blue give it a real wintery feel……just beautiful!

    Thanks for all friendship and comments throughout the year. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.


  48. Merry Christmas I love your metal arch. Can't wait to see the full product.

  49. Love that metal piece! It shows all the love and effort you put into it.... *smile* hope you have a healthy and happy new year!
    #Seventy something (lol)


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