Saturday, November 5, 2011

My Nanny...

I'm just calling by with a card I made last night. I wasn't sure if I would come up with anything so I just started with a photograph of my Nanny. Over at Grungy Monday Linda invites us to create something as a tribute to someone special who is no longer with us. That's not such an easy task to just pull out of that hat so I left things until the weekend to see how I felt, decided to just play and see what happened.

I only ever knew one Nanny. She was a headstrong and not always the easiest of ladies, but someone special who always loved and laughed, leaving me a wealth of precious memories. If I'm a bit moody of awkward then my mum says I'm just like my nanny!
Nanny was a business lady, always very well-dressed and I remember her teaching me how to blend my foundation and apply rouge as she called it. I also spent hours looking at all her huge collection of shoes, posh coats and jewellery thinking it was all so glamorous!
I thought Nanny's photo would look best on a good old fashioned vintage style card so I went to town with torn layers, lace and pretty papers. I used Kraft Glassine paper, a couple of Tim stamps and a copper Memory Frame to hold the words Live and Love which are the perfect thoughts to accompany Nanny's memory.

So just a simple offering from the heart created because I wanted to.

Hope you all have a great weekend whatever you're up to.... See you all Monday. Thanks for taking a look,



  1. Gorgeous vintage card!
    Thank you for visiting my blog and your kind comment :)
    Like your 'starry' cards for the LIM challenge very much!

  2. Hi Sarah! Hope you are having great weekend! What a beautiful piece you have shown today!

  3. Beautiful card. I love all the layers. Your Nanny looks precious in this picture. Perfect card for this vintage photo. Love it.

  4. Sarah...this is a beautiful card and a wonderful tribute to your Nanny. Such beautiful vintage colors. I love the layering that you did and the addition of the delicate vintage lace. The stitching, the glassine, the's all just lovey. <3 Candy

  5. What a gorgeous card Sarah. Lovely layers and embellishments. Perfick!

  6. Such creative and imaginative details Sara, the strength of your Nanny sure does come out in this card.
    Hope you are having a good weekend.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  7. gorgeous card, love all the vintage elements,the stitchinf around the edge just tied them altogether, I'm sure she would have loved it

  8. Absolutely stunning card. Everything about it is wonderful and it all works together.

  9. This was a tough challenge. Your tribute to your Nanny is beautiful and touching! Have a lovely weekend!

  10. Sarah this is a beautiful tribute to your very pretty Nanny. Im sure she would have loved it. I love everything about it. Lee x

  11. This is a lovely remembrance of your Nanny. A beautiful card full of you signature layering and textures.

  12. This is beautiful Sarah. I love the layers and stitching. I agree - this challenge took some time to wrap my head around as well.

  13. Your card is a very beautiful and heart warming tribute to your Nanny. I really enjoyed reading her story and admire your exquisite handiwork. penny

  14. Sarah, this is so beautiful! I love the photo of your nanny, and you created an spectacular vintage home for it. She sounds like a wonderful friend and a great influence in your life, and I bet she's watching over you, very pleased and proud.

    Thank you so much for sharing your memories and always-inspiring talent at GM25. I love this piece and the story that goes with it.

  15. What a great memory card. Although I really think it belongs on a wall. Just beautiful!!

  16. Hi Friends,

    The net Nanny program is a filtering tool that is meant to prevent users from accessing websites with objectionable material such as pornography or hate literature. Thanks a lot for sharing with us...

  17. Thanks so much for being a new follower on my blog! I'm delighted to see new faces, because they lead me to their own blogs that I might not have found before! I'm excited to find you are creating awesome pieces.

    Hope you have a wonderful day, Gaby


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