Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday???

The usual state of chaos is on show today. I've even resorted to putting my grotty old craft mat on top of the new one! I've been playing with paint and getting it everywhere. I just don't do tidy during a session...

As told last week, I spent the weekend up North at the Artsy Crafty Lynne Perrella workshop. I had a really fabulous day and for once was really pleased with my piece. Here's a sneaky peek! I'm just finishing up a little Botox work. I'll tell you more gossip and will show her in all her glory next week.
In the meantime, here's a fun piece I made for the Wendy Vecchi Challenge. You might need shades! It's a leaves theme over at Hel's Sunday Stamper so...

I seem to have spent the summer drowning in Sepia and now, as we approach winter, I'm having a full on colour phase. It was a sewing theme which I've taken quite literally.
I decided to work with canvas and paint as opposed to paper and ink. They are pretty wacky colours indeed, but I still think they work and I'm liking the white a lot.
The white somehow balances out all the vibrant colour and gives your eye a rest. The frame is also from Wendy and adds a nice solid touch and contrast in materials.
I used Artists unbleached canvas which is readily available from most good fabric stores.  I primed the whole canvas piece with a wash of gesso to give the paints a base to cling on to. I used a brayer to apply paint to my stamps so I could get some more texture. Set it all on a canvas covered with colour washed book pages. As said, just fooling around with colour and being brave!
I also thrilled to say there are 5 very arty entries for October's My Mojo Monthly. Great stuff! Why not take a look or better still join in?

With that, I am off into the pale blue yonder as they say... Actually make that drizzle, grey and windy. Have a good desk hop and great week. New to all of this? Pop over to Julia's to link up your crafty den too. Thanks for taking a peek! Sarah.


  1. Lovely bright piece Sarah, I LOVE it! So refreshing...thanks so much for joining the MAC!

  2. Sarah, I love your piece!!! Brights and cheerful and beautiful!!!!!

  3. Love your lime green - how lucky to have been with LP last weekend - I would have had the chance to meet up had I not already been booked when the two L's decided on those dates. Can't wait for the great unfold.
    Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet #1

  4. You got very lucky to get in that LP workshope Love the canvas, too. Have a great WOYWW from #2.

  5. The brights are happy and cheerful, but I would love to see the project you are still working on.

  6. Fantastic colours this week and can't wait to see what Botox kind of work you are doing...LOL!

  7. Fab desk, and I LOVE the canvas, so bright and summery.
    Happy WOYWW
    Cathy xx

  8. Well done, Sarah! Love your work with canvas and the bright colours. We're now in the season of bright colours so why not use it in our projects. I still love you're WV stuff. Have a crafty day.

  9. Bet you loved the weekend away, I did the artsycraft with TH in Feb, and even though the TH was fab, I enjoyed the artsycrafts more and wish we had longer with them. Love your Wendy project this week, its really bright and makes you feel like you can feel the sun (I wish, I'm missing the warm weather already lol). Love the well used desk, I have some new Wendy stamps (I'm pretty new to her stamps) and seeing yours on your desk compared to my new unused ones made me smile, I certainly hooe mine look like that as it certainly shows that plenty of art have been produced by them lol. Kezzyx (19)

  10. Love the sneaky peek of what you made at the workshop - hope she doesn't need to much Botox, LOL!! She looks beautiful enough already. I love those flowers. I think you should upsize and make them into canvases for the wall. I'd buy one!!
    Hugs, LLJ #41

  11. Love all your stuff Sarah... inspiration incorporated!
    Thanks for the snoop!
    Chrissie #40

  12. Great card - it blends beautifully with the blue sky we have here in the Midlands at the moment (no doubt it will disappear by lunchtime..........)

  13. Wow, you do need shades! How cheerful a piece though, it just lifts the soul !

  14. Ooh Sarah how lovely to see cheerful colours. As you know, I love your stuff, even the seven shades of wee wee are arty in your hands, but these colours are just my idea of heaven! Tidy during a session...I couldn't can't and won't. Girl, I barely tidy in between!!

  15. I love the mini preview of your Lyn Perella piece and your Wendy Vecci style piece is so vibrant so much nicer than the usual browns and blues grunge. You've really made it your own style.
    You are right... I bought so many Lost Coast Stamps at Port Sunny ... I love Linda's stuff.
    Love JoZarty x

  16. LOve the sneaky peak ..cant wait to see the finished item.The canvas is so vibrant and fun ...amazing. xx

  17. Bridget #28 love those flowers, so colourfule

  18. How lovely to see such bright cheery colours at this dull gloomy time of year.
    A x

  19. Love your bravery, and it is good to see you using real colours, it does look startling on the neutrals background of the blog, but ah, it is fabulous to see bold colours in use...

    saw Lin Brown;s piece blogged from the warrington w/e when I popped over to her blog yesterday (beautiful) and not in 'her' colours which was fab to see, - I will come back to see more of yours , and I must try to contribute to your monthly, see you anon,


  20. Hi Sarah, love the colours on your canvas, makes me feel a bit warmer on a cold morning. Thanks for the peek at your Lynne P collage will wait impatiently for the full-on view - I'm sure she is beautiful.
    Ann #51

  21. Really Beautiful work thanks for sharing

    Happy Wednesday

  22. Love the canvas, its really pretty, and I should really do close ups...then I'd never have to tidy! have a great week,
    Happy WOYWW


  23. That is bright, cheerful and yes, it works really well. love it.

  24. Fab canvas - I love the bright colours. Glad you had a great time on the course - I so must go to one of those! (No. 34)

  25. Nice to see a bit of artistic chaos Sarah, and on a really dull, pouring down rain kind of day here in Michigan, your flowers are like a breath of fresh air. Just love 'em!

    Brenda 86

  26. your colorful card is just wonderful! and from the looks of your pic, your workshop piece looks amazing. looking forward to seeing it! happy WOYWW from #61 this week.

  27. My desk is always in a state of chaos as well! Let´s call it creative chaos! :)
    So many beautiful projects in your space. Thanks for sharing!
    SusanLotus 76

  28. Love the work on your desk this week Sarah - and am V impressed that you have an inner goth and even know who FOTN are. I keep saying never judge a book by its cover, and you are definitely proof of that!

  29. I love those bright colours Sarah and on this now grey and miserable day it brightens things up no end.

  30. Fab bright colours to cheer us up on a cold damp day! x Jo

  31. What a beautiful inspirational blog you have, I love your card it's so bright and vibrant xx

  32. Great job! I love the bright colors, especially with the onset of winter.

  33. Hi Sarah, love your colourful canvas - the flowers are gorgeous and I see you've even embroidered the leaves and stems - brilliant! Great quote too. I'm still percolating my idea for the MMM - got the start of an idea but not quite there yet :) Have a great week. Elizabeth x #55

  34. Lovely bright colours. Beautiful

  35. Gorgeous creations, love the fabric flowers!!
    I was thinking just yesterday that I might have to invest in a new craft mat...but I too have an attachment to the old one, It still works after all and how would I ever mess up a new one.
    Keep smiling and creating

  36. Your desk looks fab but that cuff in your sidebar is AWESOME!
    Jo x

  37. Lovely busy desk - and your colorful project is amazing - I am slowly catching up - I seemed to have missed a lot of action!
    Lots of hugs

  38. Sounds as if you had fun! Love the look of your desk - lots of busyness and colour, just how it should be. Who cares about tidiness when creativity is at work?

    Happy WOYWW.
    Shoshi #97

  39. What lovely and exuberant colors! ~ #118 WOYWW Robin Panzer Art. Happy WOYWW!

  40. now see I thought I was the only one to buy new mats, then cover them with the old ones, so they didnt get dirty!!!
    Love the colours, Lou P #124

  41. Thanks for the wonderful peek. Great to see all the bright and "happy colors".

    xoxo Marjo

  42. Gorgeous use of colours gives such a punch of brightness in a dreary day.

  43. those flowers are lovely and I can't wait to see your other piece revealed. Thanks for the peek ;)

  44. Fab colours and stitching, love all the texture you get into your work Sarah. Can't wait to see more of the Lyn Perelle project.xx

  45. awesome looking desk and I love the bright colors on that card! I have been in Spain the past three weeks and have had sketchy internet so I didn't post this week but wanted to try and get around to a few blogs anyway. Home soon! Thanks for sharing. Vickie


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