Monday, September 26, 2011

A Gent in the Making...

Hello Everyone,
Well, Monday has sneaked up on us yet again. Flippin' heck, next week it's October! This year is on fast forward. I even started thinking about Christmas, but only because I was confronted by a sky-high wall of Festive chocolate at the supermarket. I'm not fussy about the month, and am more than willing to eat Chocolate Buttons all year. Meanwhile, back in September, a new Monday means a new theme at Simon Says Stamp & Show... and it's Men Only. Lads, boys, fellas, geezers, blokes and chaps...a Dandy, Duke, Lord, Prince or King! There's a few for you. Not forgetting bro, uncle, Dad, Grandad and Santa Claus. I think you get it by now...

l love thinking up and designing unusual things for the Design Team but this week I really wanted to indulge in some old school card-making. We get lots of card entries so I thought I send a little vintage inspiration their way. It's full on vintage so get ready for the distressing and layering
I've had the wonderful Think and Wonder stamps from Artistic Outpost for a while and thought it was high time to give them a whirl! I had so much fun I even made some stamped bunting using the border of one of the other stamps. You get three lovely images in the set and some great sentiments. Take a look at all the wonderful stamps here.
I used used Rusty Hinge, Weathered Wood and Stormy Sky Distress Inks to colour the base card, adding a few splashes along the way before stamping the wonderful image in Versafine Black Ink.That's the first ink pad I ever bought, and he's still going strong!

Then the rest is all playtime.... choosing all the different layers and goodies which include October Afternoon papers, a hand cut scallop (I drew along the edge of my Wendy Vecchi sheet!) and lace from Hero Arts.. I raided my scrap boxes to find all the best bits!!! I appear to be in full vintage mood just lately but who can resist these stamps. I think I might need to make some neon fuchsia pink roses tomorrow to balance all the sepia out!
That's me done for a project with my name on it upstairs... Thanks for calling by. Do head over to the DT blog to see lots more Man stuff and some really fabulous vintage creations from my lovely team mates. Don't forget, there's a great $50 shopping spree on offer and we looking for our Top Three! So, izzy whizzy, let's get busy! (for all who still remember Sooty...)  I'll be seeing you all soon!


  1. what an absolute wonder of layering! Very masculine, and absolutely superb! =D

  2. Sarah...your men only card is such a piece of art! I love all the layering you did...all the elements...down to the lace and buttons. My's all just so beautifully designed. I love the colors you used and all the detail. SO MUCH TO SEE!!! <3 Candy

  3. What a great detailed card in gorgeous colors!

    greetings, Alie :-)

  4. Love the way you have blended the inks on the main image, and your lovely layering detailed style.
    Thank you for my wonderful birdy cage, I love it and have put a picture on my blog, hope thats ok. if not let me know and I'll take it off.x

  5. Sarah. Absolutely love this - the man theme really lends itself to distress and vintage. Love your work - it keeps getting better!.. Jean.xx

  6. Hi Sarah - your man card is STUNNING. Just layers and layers of vintage yumminess! So many embellishments, perfectly placed as always. LOVE it! ~ Ellen xxx

  7. I love everything about this card . . . the image, the raw edges, the layering, the stitching . . . impeccable design work!

  8. fab!!!! I love all the layers, and the fabulous colours you have used!! Hugs Juls

  9. LOVE this card!!! All the layers and details and colors and image are fabulous!!!!

  10. Sarah you are the queen of layering and distressing, I love this piece, perfect image, layers stitching and distressing. A stunning masculine creation. Tracy x

  11. Loads of wonderful elements in this card and your eye for design has them all hanging together perfectly :)

  12. Oh my gosh, this is absolutely stunning! I adore your wonderful color scheme, and all of the fabulous shabby bits and pieces, the stitching... everything!!! I wouldn't mind if you stayed in "full vintage mood" for a good long time, LOL!

  13. One of my favourite colour combinations and I love that stamp - have him myself. Beautiful work, Sarah x

  14. GIRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!! the layers....stitching...the "all that goin' on" thing....MAN~0~LICIOUS!!!

  15. Totally gorgeous! Love all the layers and awesome colors.

  16. This is just stunning. Love the design, the layers, the colours ... not a thing about it I don't love. Beautiful. penny

  17. Ahhhh, I LOVE this and now I HAVE TO have this set from Artistic Outpost. How did I miss it on my last AO buying binge? This is chocked full of all your normal layers and distressing and general Sarah loveliness. The colors you used are really drawing me in. Absolutely stellar take on this week's theme.

    Hope you have a great week.


  18. Really, really stunning Sarah! Just love all the little details, gorgeous!

  19. Love, love, love it. always. Lee x

  20. LOVE...... your gorgeous piece of art, stunning as always

  21. Fabulous work, Sarah! The layering and distressing is fantastic!

    Simon Says Stamp!

  22. Oh I really love this! so many shabby layers, scrummy!

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