Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Goede morgen!
As they say over here in the land where cheese, tulips and clogs are plenty. As is the watery stuff from above... Holland holiday greetings from Ede to you all! I am suffering from major crafty withdrawal symptoms but am holding on to the conviction that the creative soul will benefit and thank me later... Taking things very easy as hubby is sadly laid up with a back injury, and I'm finding much solace in the Craftorij. A truly fantabulous craft shop around the corner. You name it, they've got it, I've stroked it and doth covet it all. The haul so far...A fine display of loveliness indeed.
Yes, yet more envelopes. I have another design idea for you for this month's My Mojo Monthly that is just itching to get out! Glad to say there are three great entries for Augusts MMM already. Really hope to see a few more of you join in soon!
When I'm here I always notice the abundance of colour and prettiness - despite the daily torrential rain I must add). The Dutch are not afraid of their bright tones. You'll often see a banker in a vibrant pink shirt and elderly gents sporting their yellow sweaters! I cannot resist picking up some of these joyful shades and goodies, yet I know it will just end up on the "Hmm, we'll see" shelf along with all the previous frenzies. So I thought I'd share it with you. I'm really very grateful to all the support from my followers and visitors alike, and I just luuuurve to give pressies! So I've put together TWO portions of Dutch Delights just for you!
A cheerful bag just perfect for some tools, a notebook, fabby fabrics and two stamp sets. As you can see they are slightly different... Which one would YOU like to get your crafty mitts on? Number one Flowery or number two Dotty? Leave a comment (& your email/blog), I'll put you all in a hat and pick two winners next week.  MY FOLLOWERS GET TWO TICKETS THROWN IN!

Glad to say that my crafty friend Franka is coming up tomorrow to join in more retail therapy and some crafty antics. She is also kindly bringing some arty kit to help me survive the week! God bless her! That's the low-down from the low-down lands (the Netherlands - get it???)

Thanks for calling by! Do join in the desk-hopping fun at Julia's and show us what ya got...Doei, tot ziens, dag!!!!


  1. I can't believe it. I don't have much fabric, but I have that turquoise and pink in the last photo. I won it on a tutorial site. Had to use it in a project, but still got it.

    Sorry to read about your hubby. Hope he gets better soon. Backs are SO tricky.

  2. I love the bright tones too! These are gorgeous! Hope your hubby is feeling up to snuff soon. Happy crafting.

  3. Wow, what awesome loveliness there at your place and fancy having a shop with such delicious items just around the corner! cant quite imagine it... but then I do have the beach just around the corner so shan't complain..
    Ah, and some freebies you are so kind!! thanks for sharing and trust the lovely folk who receive it are greatly blessed by your very kind heart, Sasa! Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x

  4. awesome loot you've got. we both use the same gel medium. I love both your prizes!

  5. Thanks for give us this opportunity!
    I'd choose the flowery version..and all your stuff on the first picture ;-)!

    Hope your husband get well very soon!

  6. OK... I would be truly broke and penniless if I had a fabby scrap shop just round the corner... so maybe it is best that I don't!! Love the bright coloured books and the bags look fabulous too! Hope your husband's back is feeling better soon.

  7. The second best thing after shopping for crafty stuff yourself is seeing someone else's shoppings ;) Loved seeing what you've bought :) And thanks for sharing the loveliness, I'd love a chance to win some Dutch Delights (the dottiness of the second picture just makes my heart sing :) )! Hope your hubby gets back on his feet in no time!

  8. Hi Sasa! Both sets are fab! Although I love yoe blog even without bright colours! Thanks for the chance to win!

  9. Hi ya
    oh lots of lovely goodies there, bit lethal to have a craft shop round the corner, lol, do hope hubbies back is soon feeling better,thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  10. Great giveaways - count me in! I would like the one with the tall birdhouse on please.

  11. awesome lot of goodies you have there. Hope things get back to normal at your house so you can get back to crafting. I like both the prizes so enter me in for either one. Thanks for sharing. Vickie

  12. That's a nice lot of new stash there - what fun you must have had stroking all the crafty goodness!! Your husband obviously has a lot in common with mine when it comes to taking photos - we too have a lot of very random, arty shots that caught his eye. Lichen closeups on the stones at Avebury for example!! Please may I join in your giveaway - dotty birdy is my choice.

    Have a fab week in the Lowdowns :)

    Jan xx

  13. hope the sun comes out for you too...thanks for sharing your workdesk today...hugs kath xxx

  14. I love bright colour too.. sorry to hear of hubby's problem back, hope it's better soon... what wonderful crafty goodies - enjoy the retail therapy

  15. i am coverting your stash - it a good thing i the bright colours we should embrace them shouldnt we......happy crafting sharne.

  16. Those fabrics are really pretty and wouldn't they look lovely trimming up our African dresses :-)
    A x

  17. Oh wow, what à lovely stuff you got. My favorite stores over here are Paper &Pictures in Doorn, doe@ding in Spijkenisse near Rotterdam and certainly Duijmelot in Raalte. You must Go over There. Love your give aways but as I can buy them anytime à want in stores here, I leaf THE candys For people overrseas..... Enjoy your Holiday!!!
    Greetings, marjolein

  18. What a beautiful holiday! I would spend more time in the craft shop than sightseeing, lol. I hope your hubby gets well soon!
    You are so generous! I would love, love, love the Dotty Birdy Birdcage!!! Thanks for the fun!

  19. Glad you are having a good time - hope your hubb's back gets better. Love the giveaways - dotty for me....

  20. Wow fantastic goodies I so love the dotty, but both are gorgeous. Hope your enjoying your crafty holiday and I hope your OH gets better soon. Loved the grunge bracelet. Kezzy x

  21. Hi Sarah! Glad your trip is going well, thought tis a shame about hubby's back. If you don't like the papers etc too bright, you could always slap a thin layer of white gesso on them to tone them down and make them a little more shabby shic, eh? Thanks for stopping by today!

  22. That's a lovely looking pile of goodies you have got there and I'm sure when you are home you will enjoy them! Thanks for the opportunity to possibly get some "Dutch courage" of cheerful colours as one of your followers....... Dotty looks fab! Enjoy the rest of your holiday and I hope the rain eases off as does hubbies back!

  23. Both the prizes are lovely, such bright cheerful colours. Have a lovely time, never been but my parents haves been 'for the tulips' very often!
    Happy WOYWW

  24. Oh... Thought I was following, sometimes it tells me my url is too long and I forget to 'try later'


  25. Oh the dotty one definitely. Am now a follower too, so I can see what else you get up to. Sounds like a lovely shop.

  26. what lovely colors! sorry to hear about your hubby's back. my back was complaining a bit yesterday. i guess it is because of the luggage i carried since i am on holiday too!

  27. and i am a follower and delighted to have 2 chances to win!

  28. I would love number 2! BTW I loved the bracelet you made the other day - are you going to sell it?

  29. I hope you are enjoying your holidays and thank you so much for putting up this lovely giveaway! I have been out of the scene but I did have a peek at your previous posts and I just love that bracelet you made! I hope that I will finally have time for a post on MMM, last month has just flown by and I didn't get up to it!

  30. Sorry to read of your Hubby's bad back - but loving how much you are enjoying limited crafting abroad! Thank you for the exciting giveaway. I am addicted to birds so whilst I don't really mind maybe the second one is more me? Enjoy the rest of your trip x

  31. Fancy going on holiday and hurting your back, he could've timed that a bit better! Altho are you staying with family so there are others to wait on him, lol? If you asked me flowery or dotty I'd say dotty but looking at the pics, I love the combo of the yellow and aqua so either, really!

  32. Well I think your crafty withdrawal symptoms will have eased a little after your crafty shopping trip! What a lovely bunch of goodies. Have a great day tomorrow with your friend. (I won something from you last time so don't include me this time.) xx

  33. What lovely things, and how wonderful to have a craft shop just around the corner. Hope your husband is better soon.

  34. oh such pretties!!! I adore "flowers", how lucky to be able to have shops near you the sell such gorgeous beauties, all those colours would have me smiling like a cheshire cat!!! enjoy your shopping xx

  35. Wonderful stuff.. .thanks for the chance to win some of it... I can't decide which to choose.. .I'm Gemini and always get stuck on 2 things. Enjoy the rest of your hols despite "him indoors" being laid up.
    Love joZarty

  36. It's a lovely bunch of stash! How lovely of you to give some of it. I would love some dots and birds!

  37. I am not flowery but do like the colours on that oneHoliday heaven - a craft shop around the corner. Hope your other half is soon up and well, can't be much fun for him but glad you have a friend coming to see you with craft making goodies.
    Thanks for commenting on my blog even though i did cock up and make a complete mess of it this week. Incidentally not hayfever that is causing the problems but not to worry. Hugs Neet x

  38. How generous are you ...both the sets are gorgeous but I think I lean towards spotty because of the stamps.
    Sorry to read that hubby has damaged his back ...hope he is recovered soon ... but I am sure that the craft shop and all that stash has softened the disappointment of not being out and about...enjoy your day with Franka.xx

  39. I've just discovered your blog (& WOYWW) and so glad I did :) what a lovely giveaway, and having lived in London for 4 years with boring bankers in grey that blend into all the rainy days we have here too you're making me want to come visit lol hope your husband is on the mend soon, Jenny x

  40. Perhaps because of all that rain the Dutch have to cheer themselves up other ways? Although it's wet it does sound beautiful. Lovely new goodies for you (and us!), but I'm curious... are English and American crafts cheaper or more expensive than in the UK? They're all lovely goodies though, and I think I'm more flowery than dotty! Hope hubby is feeling better soon and have fun with Franka.

    Brenda 73

  41. Great post, Sarah. The muchly rain doesn't seem to be spoiling your holiday spirit too much and you've got some lovely spoils too. That PaperArtsy stamp is fab and the papers look interesting. I'm still pondering MMM but sure to come up with something now that the birthday card rush is over. Lovely candy on offer two - like them both but spots/dots win hands down for me every time. Get well soon wishes to your husband and I'm sure meeting up with Franka will be fun too. Elizabeth x #60

  42. Sorry to hear about your husband. Your post made me smile though - you have a great sense of humor. Would love to win either but if I had to choose, I would pick the first. Thanks for linking this into artsee bloggers!

  43. Yum! All those goodies! :)No doubt you're having a great time over there. :) Please sign me up for the giveaway. I love bright colors and either bundle would do. But If you twist my arm I'd probably go for the dots. :))

  44. Laugh at the MORE envelopes...I had to look twice for them, so busy ogling everything else! You're a generous blogger, and I'd like to put my name in the floral hat please!

  45. Oh some wonderful projects and some wonderful art. Absolutely love these
    hugs June x

  46. Love all that fabric and the colours are zinging. I'd be hard pressed to chose which one as they are both equally lovely.
    Very clever idea for the envelope journally thingy - will have a go at that one.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win - put me in for either please

  47. Oh my, what lovely things you found! I must confess, I am a dotty kinda girl LOL. Everything dotty seems to jump into my craftroom.
    Happy WOYWW and I hope DH is feeling a lot better soon.

  48. Oooh my, that is quite a collection of loveliness indeed! Wish I had a craft shop so close... I have to drive to get to one!

    And how nice of you to offer goodies! I'd love the flowery set. :D

    Have a great WOYWW and I hope your DH's back feels much better soon.

    Ali #66

  49. I'm not a Dutch banker, but I've been known to don a pink shirt at the office. What a fabulous post thanks for sharing, hope your hubs gets better soon. I've heard tequilla has medicinal properties.
    take care, BrianK

  50. thanks for the glimpse. Have a great day.
    That looks like a great stamp with lots of potential for patterns.

  51. Sorry to hear Hubby is not well - gives you more chance to go round the corner though!
    Love the stash you have bought especially that stamp on the bottom right! NEED that one!!
    As for your giveaway I would be pleased to receive either.
    PS Love that bracelet!

  52. Hope Hubby makes a full and speedy recovery - I take my small suitcase of artworks everywhere, it is not a holiday if I can't create....Holland, like Wales and Ireland, always rains on us too...

    see you next week, unless I manage to link to MMM before....


  53. Hi Sarah, here I,m from Oss, i almost with you so hold on. Soory about your huggies bag maybe we can give him some therapy too. Love your shoppings and about your give aways .... I love the flowers most, so croos my fingers. see you tomorow X Franka

  54. Oeps, little mistake. I mean hubbies back of course. LOL

  55. I am so glad to hear you are having a lovely time and that you are inspired by your beautiful surroundings. I hope your husband isnt in too much pain and will be better soon. You certainly got some beautiful items at the craft shop. Thank you for the chance to win, I would love to be entered and am already a follower as Im sure you already know. To be honest I dont mind which flowery or dotty. One is as beautiful as the other. So either or is perfectly fine by me. Ohhhhh I'm all excited to see who wins. Lee xx

  56. Thanks for hosting such a lovely giveaway and happy WOYWW to you! I already follow you so please give me 2 entries in the spotty dotty one (I normally would go for the florals and I love that one too but the stamps swung me!)

    I sure hope your hubby is better soon - I have back issues too so I feel his pain!


    createwithjoy (at) gmail (dot) com

  57. I've been to Amsterdam and I did love the colors, also the beautiful lace curtains in the windows! Hope your husband will be better soon! I like the #1 flowery pack. Patsy from

  58. Happy WOYWW this week ,im away but trying to do rounds whilst looking after dad.Thanks for the chance of the lovely giverway i am already avid follower and not fussy whihc set i lurveee them both
    hugs judex

  59. Hope your husband is mending and back in action soon. But how wonderful for you to be in the flatlands :D. I was always impressed by the hugeness of the sky whenever I left Amsterdam.

    The craft store would so be asking me to carry a bucket so I wouldn't drool on everything :D. Love both the prizes and I've been a follower for a while. Thanks for the chance to win such lovely goodies. #81

  60. ohh please put my name in the hat.

    I love your new goodies. I hope you get to do some crafting soon.

    laura #59

  61. Such wonderful gifties! Best wishes to you DH. I sympathize with the back pain!

  62. I bet Holland was wonderful...what a lucky girl to go there! I did not realize it was such a "colorful" country. The things you learn on WOYWW!

  63. I've just come to your blog via Kim Dellow & I am sooooo glad i did! :) I've just become a follower too! I'd love to win either of these - they are both lovely! x

  64. Eeeeesh, those darn back injuries! Hope your hubby is better soon. Sounds like you've found a jewel of a craft store, lucky you! Always fun to venture into some new crafty territory isn't it? Flowery or dotty, either would be nice and your offer is so generous! Enjoy the rest of your holidays!

  65. Sorry to hear about your hubby... that is no fun especially on vacation. Hope he mends fast. I'm partial to the dots, for that matter. Have a good one!

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