Sunday, August 21, 2011

Perefectly Sensible Nonsense

Creeping over the threshold in the wee hours of Sunday morn, just in time for Linda's Grungy Monday and a touch of the sparklies. This week you can wow us with your best Distress Stickles moves. I'm feeling quite bedazzled this week as I also had to do a Bling themed DT much glittery stuff and not even a whiff of Christmas in the air. Anyway, after an intense session working on other projects, I just wanted to just grab a tag and dabble.

 I was surrounded by a chaotic inky aftermath and just took whatever came to hand. Maybe the late hour inspired the sunset mood... Distress Stained background, embossed rays and lots of ink. No real plan which is sometimes the best way to play.

Which leads me nicely to this bit. I like the word stuff. It covers a multitude of things and can be anything you want it to be...
I stamped the words in a mix of colours onto a painted book page and the added a good dose of Distress is there twinkling as best it can as such an obscure hour. The only place to get a good piccy at this ungodly hour is on a small ledge outside the loft bedroom. This requires hanging off the stairs and poking the camera through the bannister.
Also a quick reminder that the My Mojo Monthly August Challenge is up and running. It's a Muse it & Use it theme this month....which means your ideas and thoughts on usable art! Do join in!
So that's me all done. Off for a little shut-eye before the dawn breaks... Thanks again for dropping in. Do share a little blog love or gossip... I'm all ears.



  1. A gorgeous bit of dabbling Sarah, love those hot colours! x

  2. Love the tag - gorgeous colours! Funny how a deadline makes great art!

  3. Oooo Sarah, so glad you found the time to join in with the Distress Stickles party. Great colours on this yet with that Grungyness present, love the stitching detail and the layering of gauze netting behind the quote ... very cool! x

  4. This is absolutely incredible. I love it. The colours are amazing and I love the clock face and spinner. Lee xx

  5. Fabulous favorite word! Life as persuit of discovering stuff....very suitable exciting color scheme!

  6. Love the sunshine-y colors Sarah, really fantastic tag!


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!