Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What Pretties Doth Lavish Thy Desk...?

Hello there,
Good morning and a big welcome to Desk HQ, where we're half way through both the week and June. C'est incroyable mes amis! So, here I am to flaunt my desk, as we all do at WOYWW hosted by wonderful Julia at Stamping Ground.
In the photo it looks fairly sane but in reality it is pretty dire, and also spreading its wild wings  throughout the entire room. I'm still awaiting a burst of domestic thunder to instigate the big clean-up... I had just done a Grungy tag and was working on a Father's Day card after doing a tag. Quite often you're so busy with projects and stuff, family cards get left on ice, but I felt my Dad deserved a decent offering.

Nothing too flash, grungy or quirky for Pa, but good old blokey colours and a touch of humour. If I do something too altered or edgy he'll think it went wrong or ask why I didn't finish it... This is a spin-off idea from a recent DT piece and I'm quite pleased with the end result. My Dad is a retired car mechanic who worked in the same garage for 50 years! He can tell what's up with any car engine just by listening. A computer whizz he is not, so the chances of him seeing this here are less than me winning the Lottery or sorting out my ribbon box.

I'm also having a great time following the on-line collage course from Claudine Hellmuth. She's a fabulously enthusiastic teacher and the course content and atmosphere is brilliant. Here is my take on a horizon line collage. They can do a lot in the medical world these days and I think it's high time they pondered the benefits of flip-top heads for husbands. I could delve straight in, pull out an old conversation and say, "See, I did tell you..."

No news on the arrival of my WOYWW Pif yet (it does have to get to The Philippines), so keeping that for next week. This week I'm going to be working hard on MY MOJO MONTHLY, getting all the technical tricks on the go...eeek! I shall be doing battle with Blogger as I attempt to activate photo buckets, pdfs and linky things. Could be a long week.

Anyway, that's this weeks episode of Blog Soap...thanks for dropping by. Glad you were here. Hope you have a really good week - or at least a few top moments if you're busy.

See you soon, off to have a nose around...

Entering my Card into the following Challenges:
The Stamping Boutique - Men Only
OLLCB - Father's Day
Stamp'n'-Doodle - Father's Day
Creative Inspirations Challenge - Father's Day
Secret Crafter - A male card


  1. Wonderful job with your Man Only card. Love the muted colors w/the distressing. Thanks for sharing with us at The Stamping Boutique.

  2. Fabulous makes, love the card for your Dad, and great busy desk.
    Happy WOYWW

  3. Love your Dad's card... perfect for him and his garage days but the flip top head is a gem indeed... could do with one of those... but it could come back and bite me where it hurts if DH got one fitted on me... so maybe best to leave well alone in this household!! LOL

  4. Hi ya
    lovely creative desk, fabulous card for your dad,great collage card,thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  5. Love the brads for wheels! And Heading Off the man looks great - yep, all might becomne clear if we could peek inside!

  6. Love the Dad's card! Nice colours and design. Also the Marjorie page is great! Flip top head ... not a bad idea. Specially if you could just open it and discard the unwanted stuff!

  7. Great card... wish I still had mine to make for... and your desk looks SO creative.. hey fancy you getting to be second on the list!!!

  8. Gorgeous card, creative busy desk, Happy WOYWW 106, Thank you for sharing, #25

  9. Love to see a well used desk :0) Fab fathers day card.
    Kate x

  10. Love your father's day card. And your desk looks great this week.

  11. I love your tag card. I really must get me some of those inks, fabulous!!Happy WOYWW

  12. lovely to see your workspace all full of crafty goodness!!! Loving your collage piece its so fun and fabulous!!! Hugs Juls

  13. I love that card bet your Dad will love it too!

  14. OH? my poor cutting matt looks the same! :) Brilliant creations, by the way :) Hugs, kissinia

  15. I loved reading you! :) Great idea about the flip top heads. :)) I would love to take a peek in my hubby's head. :)

  16. Lovely card for your dad - real blokey colours and I do like stripes. I am waiting for a P?if from the Phillipines so guess yours will arrive around the same time.
    Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet 49

  17. we don;'t have flip top heads in our house but we do have a 'memory board',

    It is quite a big old fashioned black board,

    and after any conversation that requires it, we write a precis of our 'important' things on there, all of us, it is highly amusing to see family members eyes stray to the board for a reminding check before they open their mouths to claim 'you never told meee'.....

    at the moment it just has the shopping list - which includes the Aston Martin we Must Get...
    and a few Hot dates


  18. The collage is great, I dont think I'll ever measure up as a perfect housewife, far too OCD! Mind ya, might help if I had a house and a husband first!

  19. Oh Sarah, your dad is going to love his Father’s Day card and it’s great that it’s so personal.
    And a nice ‘inky’ desk to boot!

    Happy Crafting!

  20. Awesome cards! Love the dad's card and that flip flop collage...OMG! I would love to be able to open it up and pull out what I didn't want in there or put in what I did...maybe...maybe not. It might get boring if I got my way all the time! Thanks for sharing! Vickie #46

  21. I feel so much better seeing a desk in a worse state than my own, I love the canvas not sure about the decapitation sort of gives me the weebeejeebies, great card you've made your Dad will love it.
    Kathleen x

  22. absolutly love your desk , a real working crafty desk. I also love your fathers card, just this side of a tasteful grunge.

  23. Gorgeous Dad card and I love the collage of the perfect wife and the unhinged hubby.

  24. great male card thank you for sharing with us at the SCSC
    Hugs Kate xx

  25. Love you finished card. Cute image Happy WOYWW

  26. Love this card and love your blog - I just became your newest fo
    Follower !
    Have a great day
    Rebecca x

  27. Oh Sasha love your cards and makings and your wonderful style of writing...ha,ha laughed when you said your dad wouldn't think your card was my mom also needs "closure"
    Lots of hugs,

  28. great finished card. your desk does look very industrious!

  29. Fantastic card ... perfect for your Dad.

  30. gorgeous card, I am sure your Dad will love his Fathers Day card!
    Happy Crafting and Happy WOYWW, Debx

  31. I'm still working on my collage...well ok, letting it sit here unfinished while I decide what on earth to do with it! I haven't started Father's day cards yet either, so you are well ahead of me.

    Love your collage piece, and am now contemplating how to make my husbands head flip like that!

  32. LOL on the Claudine-inspired collage.... LOVE it! And the card for your dad will surely make him smile AND he'll know it's done. Hugs!

  33. Hi Sarah, great to see your busy desk again. I've got family & friends who, like your dad, just don't get it - torn paper, distressed edges, stamping & inking - it all sounds a bit of an odd pastime dear! Love the Claudine inspired collage and love the idea of husbands with flip-top heads too :) Have a great week, Elizabeth x #79

  34. Lovely cards there - sure your Pa will love it - which reminds me, I haven't made mine yet and no excuse for me as I was born on Father's Day!!!

  35. awesome card Sarah love it
    (and your working desk looks a bit like mine....)
    thanks for joining the TSB challenge this week

  36. You are looking very busy there with all that's happening on your desk and I love your card for your Dad, he'll be delighted with it I'm sure. I miss not having one to make but help DD with hers instead!!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Hugs Lisax #100

  37. Absolutely lovely cards! I really like your card for your Dad...fantastic colors, and the metal accent is a great addition.

    Thanks for playing with us a Stamp-N-Doodle!

    xx Star

  38. Great card for your dad, but I think the collage is priceless! Hilarious idea you have! But yes, we've all felt that way sometimes! Patsy from

  39. Oh, your desk looks so wonderful again. Just makes me want to sit down and play!
    Both of your cards made me laugh! And still, they are so wonderfully made that I had to peer at each and every shot!

    Happy WOYWW!

  40. Fabby card. Thanks for stopping off at OLL this time and hope to see you again soon. Hugs x

  41. Hi Sasa, when you find that burst of domestic thunder to instigate the big clean-up would you please send it over my way too!! and my pIf is still on the way to Oz and now our mail is out cos of floods (not affecting me) but mail comes from Sydney and the highway is cut for about five days so guess it wont start again till Monday!! may have it next Wed. as that mean we lose a week of mail. thanks for sharing do love dad's tag! Shaz in oz.x

  42. Nice vintage looking card!
    Thanks for joining us at Ooh La la with your beautiful creation; we hope to see you again soon x

  43. Thanks for joining our "Male Card" challenge this week on SECRET CRAFTER SATURDAY CHALLENGE :)

    Hugs Jane x

  44. Fabulous makes hun!!
    Thanks for playing at Creative Inspirations this time would love to see you play with us again

  45. I do like coming and reading your blog, it's always entertaining. I'd like to join the queue for the flip top head thing. Not for my beloved, because he's good at remembering stuff, but for my 10 yr old. I'd also pull out conversations that say "See, we did tell you..."


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!