Wednesday, April 27, 2011

WOYWW? A bit of Oooh La La...

 Both the weather and time have gone slightly mad and here we all are racing towards May in bikini and BBQ mode (I just did the BBQ bit). Time for our weekly bloggercise of desk-hopping...All thanks to the ever-lovely Julia over at Stamping Ground. Do join in, everyone is welcome! Be it a desk of total Chaos or sheer Perfection...we love it all. Here is my desk trying to look arty in vintage tones. I am disguising a shockingly grainy photo if the truth be told.

This time last week I was in Belgium...I'm over-joyed to be back in my crafty oasis. Lots going to do list is full until around 2020. Glad to say I found time to work out an idea that has been swimming around "up top" for quite a while. Here it is.

I wanted to do something with flowers, wood and wire for ages. It was also time to get my rosette die into action (remember, you buy things to use them Sarah). I have cut five rosettes from an old French map and edged them with Distress ink. I cut one of the larger rosettes down to create an in-between size.

 The centres have been decorated with metal washers and brads coloured with alcohol ink. Liking off centre because...well, because!

I had a great time playing with the wooden scrap which is a piece of old skirting board. I sanded it, coloured it with Peeled Paint Distress Stain, swiped it with gesso and then sanded it again to reveal the grain. (That's almost a poem.) I stamped the Wendy V. leaves and edged it with Fired Brick for contrast. I also added an inky metal corner and a twist of copper thread to liven it all up a bit.

The letters have been embossed with Distress powder and then boosted with a touch more red ink. Funny how we so love to use French words on things - it all sounds so good to us. Bet you don't get many French Artists writing Downing Street or Fish and Chips on their art!

 I then played with the layout of the pieces, cut different lengths of wire and fixed them to the back of the plank with Wonder-Tape. Might be doing a bit more glue-work on it tomorrow!!!

It can hang or stand so hoping to find a spare few inches for it to live somewhere here! I seem to be hopping between Vintage and Modern, and neutral and colour a lot lately but it is all inspiring, fulfilling and such a journey! So there we are, some Frenchy flower power for you. I might just enter it into a few challenges...
Alter it Monthly - Spring 
CES Challenges  Spring Image/Colours
Fussy and Fancy - Springtime
C.R.A.F.T. - Flowers

In case you missed it Monday, here is my altered book for the Simon Says DT. Thanks to all those that left such lovely words! Click on the photo for more details.

So another Wednesday round-up all done. Off to peruse all your crafty spaces now...
Thanks for calling by, will see you again soon...



  1. Love your "vintage" desk! Very classy! Those flowers are great too. I am wondering about the "rosette die". Don't think I've heard of that? Happy WOYWW!

  2. The flowers are amazing ... I now need that die!!! That is the problem of hopping round people's crafty space .. .you see things you HAVE to have LOL!!
    Your flowers are beautiufl.
    Happy WOYWW
    Cathy xx

  3. Love the vintage, Thanks for the peek and sharing,

    Hugs, Marjo #18 Have a great WOYWW

  4. wow - very creative and gorgeous results, I would buy it!
    Andria #29

  5. gorgeous work, lots of goodies there, Happy WOYWW 99, Thank you for sharing your desk with us much appreciated it. A great desk.

  6. Love the desk this week though I found it hard to see properly, think it's me though, not your photography, lol! Your flowers are incredible, what a great idea.

  7. The flowers are great and the altered book is beautiful!!

    Shirley Pumpkin #36

  8. Awesome works! Love the flowers and the sign...I saw the altered book at SS. Very nice. Thanks for sharing. Vickie aka okienurse #37

  9. OOooo, I love the sign, it's rather wonderful! And it reminds me that I should use my rosette dies (yep, I have the original one and the smaller one, oops)

  10. Fab project - gorgeous flowers and what a lovely idea to use an old French map. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Neet #10
    ps off to look at the project with the dressmaking things - missed that one@!

  11. Oh yes that sign is absolutely gorgeous and getting me in the mood for la vacance a la belle France in June :)

  12. I think what you have done to that piece of scrap skirting is beautiful ...the mpore you look the more you see in it.

  13. Fabulous imaginitive work
    Kathleen x

  14. love those pretty flowers. thank you for linking to alter it monthly. :)

  15. Wow! Wow and more Wow! I love this shabby chic look! TFS Elaine#16

  16. Gorgeous flowers! Have a happy WOYWW!

  17. Love your map rosette flowers! And that altered book is gorgeous!

  18. Beautiful work - love all those flowers and the wire - made me laugh about having fish and chips on your art work :)

  19. Loving the flowers they look great. Thanks for the Cuttlebug tip :o) x

  20. Fantastic project- I love it. Those flowers are sensational. Shaz #76

  21. Welcome back from your travels:)
    Lovely piece you've made with the rosette die.
    Fiona x

  22. Lovely work Sasa. Both pieces are amazing!
    I like the use of wood; mixed media is so appealing to me! Your sepia photo is wonderful..too!
    Have lots of fun..the weather has turned cooler here! Hope you get to wear your bikini
    Sue xx 56

  23. This is a beautiful piece. I love the skirts and the colours you have used.

  24. OOh! Simply enchanting. I love this. They're so delicate! xo, Amber - #20

  25. Mornin' Sarah! Love your little flowers! They would be so sunny and welcoming to sit down with at your work desk! I have yet to get a picture of mine today. Of course, my day is just beginning! Still continue to LOVE your altered book for Simon Says. Just stunning detail! <3 Candy

  26. Love your plank with the flowers, it is gorgeous and now i really think I may need that die!! ;) Your altered book is stunning too! Annette #5

  27. Sarah, your vintage photo had me worried for a moment, thought the colour had gone funny on my computer! LOL. Love your funky French flowers, so pretty. I have that rosette also, and haven't used it yet - tut, tut!! I absolutely adore your altered book, totally inspirational!

    Thanks for visiting my desk earlier too x

    Sherry (47)

  28. Hi Sarah,
    Sorry I'm very bad in remembering faces!! *shame*
    Is your metal project finished yet???
    Hope you had a great time in Holland!!
    When are you coming back to Holland in summer? I hope we meet again and than I won't forget your face!! Sorry!!
    Love your altered book!

    Hugs Marleen♥

  29. Loving the vintage effect of the photo and all your arty projects x
    StAy InKy
    hUgS MiNxY

  30. Wow fab project thanks for sharing with us at CRAFT.


  31. Ooooohh, I just love that springtime sign andthe altered book is beautiful. Wow!
    Happy WOYWW
    Rebecca (38)

  32. Love the finished wood project! Very lovely.
    Chrissy #106

  33. Lovely work for us to admire today - thanks for sharing!

  34. YOur desk cannot be disguised by publishing in sepia - it still gives away your manic craftiness!! Like the sign - the flowers are very pretty.

  35. Love all your creativity - very pretty and inspiring. Thanks for sharing WOYWW.

    Thank you too for commenting on my blog.

  36. Wow this is gorgeous!! Love the flowers!

  37. First I think I shall copy you in the future and make my desk a sepia image lol. Truly it is lovely :D. Second, love the decoration you made it is so splendid :D. TFS! #45

  38. Hi hun
    mad weather here been gorgeous plenty bbq here, fabulous creation, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  39. loving those flowers, so simple but so darn good too! >> aw, well maybe the camera wasn't in a cracker, but the poor thing is very limited but hubby says it's a cracking good little that's it's 'nick name...cracker's very small..but not nice spread with cheese...or jam...
    (Lyn) happy woyww

  40. That's a fabulous piece, Sarah... You are right about writing in French, so much more romantic... Those flowers are fantastic

  41. love your piece of wood, that is really pretty. i agree...more fish n chips should be written on pieces of art!

  42. I love the rosettes and your sign! Same with the altered book -yummy.


    Terry #133 (blog candy giveaway on Friday)

  43. Lovely projects! I have been trying to make some of those darned scored flowers and I seem to be all thumbs!!!

  44. Loving the flowers and that altered book - ell, thats a work of art!
    Happy WOYWW

  45. Wow the flowers and the altered wood are brilliant i love it, i have this die and seen someone else use them on sticks but having them on wire looks wonderful, might have to sort of pinch the wire idea lol. Even though the photo of your desk has gone vintage there is still loads of crafty goodies to nose at lol. Kezzy x

  46. WOW what a great post. Fab vintagey looking desk(!) and wonderful objet d'arts.
    Hugs, Sandra

  47. Love the rosette die and sign you have created. Thanks for saying hi, still raining here in OZ.

  48. Hi Sasa! Love it all - esp. the flowers and tailors dummys. Thanks so much for already calling by, Di x

  49. Your altered book is just wonderful. I love what you did with the wood, wires and flowers. Very creative.

  50. Gorgeous work of art!!! Those rosettes are stunning! Beautiful colors, they go so well together. The altered book is amazing as well.

  51. Love your desk and your work. I have to tell myself that the things I buy are to use too! So funny! Love that rosette die, can't get it anywhere! Thanks for sharing, love, Clare #104

  52. I absolutely LURVE your blog and your amazing work, glad I found you via woyww!!! Sam x

  53. Great work and again , and now I must repeat to myself I do not need that die I do not need that die - but I WANT that die love the flowers you made

  54. Love the rosette flowers, great piece!

  55. Running very late here happy WOYWW - thanks for popping over! and do love your project Sasa it is gorgeous colours and all yep we are funny and punny about French! Shaz in oz.x

  56. Sorry to be getting around so very late!

    Those little paper flowers are beautiful. I mast make some myself!!

    Happy WOYWW on Sunday!!
    Sam xx # 77

  57. AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Am lost for words such perfection! Love the way you put the centre bling off centre so as to speak very very striking.


  58. Hi Sarah, love this. The flowers are cute - like that you used an old map page to make it and, yes, love the French sentiment too - some things just sound so much better in French :) The altered book is stunning. It doesn't matter what style you create in, vintage or modern, your work is always beautiful. Elizabeth x #108

  59. The flowers are gorgeous and so is the altered vintage book with cute skirts on the dress forms.


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!