Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Less is More goes Grungey...

Greetings fellow LIMettes!

Here we all are again with another delectable dabble into Less is More...still very much on board and enjoying the ride! It's great to see so many new folk...really enjoy the diversity of styles and interpretations. We really are out in force, so doing some more blog-hopping. A few visits three times a day soon adds up -  Bloggercise I suppose...
Anyway back to business. The one-layer challenge is all about sentiments. I was working on some grungy tag projects and was up to my elbows in ink, colour, sprays and stamps. Yum! I was stamping away with Mr.T and Wendy images and loving the results and tones but then I thought, "These could also work on their own..." Yes, Less is More is being grunged up - but with class and colour!
Flowers and angel wings...I decided to be bold in my colour choices and images but still allow the sentiment to stand strong. I chose a marbled grey card to soften the impact of the colours. Stamped the sentiment in archival Coffee as opposed to black as it blends better with the other two tones.

 I just love the detail in these stamps. I'm pleased I let the images overlap with each other. No inked or distressed edges - pure stampology!

 I think I'm in love with my second card. Can I say that? Sorry, but I am. In love with the images - not myself, I must add. I just love, love, love that antique frame. I rotated the mirror frame stamp 90ยบ and then just added the birds and the sentiment. Again, I wanted to be daring in my colours. You don't always have to stamp in black for emphasis. The blue still holds it's own. I chose a leather effect mushroom card - I found just one in a corner!

 The bird stamp is beautiful. I thought having the birds flying up and away out of the frame gave a feeling of depth and also fitted with the sentiment. The birds have been stamped in Pumice Stone Distress ink which was just perfect.

 I also tried the first on a whiter card to see how that went. Works well too I suppose but I do really prefer the other backgrounds. Actually I luuurrrve them...but you know that already...

Great play this week...a spontaneous idea that worked first time, something a little different and the feeling that I created something special!  It's also good to play with colour, stamp designs and cardstock and see that you can create a pure card with a modern edge.

I love sentiments, words, script and books - so felt right at home with this one. Okay - I'm done...off to see what you have all cooked up this week. Big thanks again to Chrissie and Mandi for all they do for Less is More... and thanks for giving me a shout about the LIMettes! Maybe in 5 years time we can ascend to the ranks of LIMDivas...

Thank you so very much to all of you that called by and left such great comments...makes these sunny days even brighter!

See you soon,



  1. Super stuff yet again Sarah. Your second one is my fave... I see why you're in love with it... and I prefer the cardstock of the first pic of your first card... Wonderful whatever!
    Have a great week
    "Less is More"

  2. Hi Sarah
    I LOVE them all, the grumged and the white! YIKES me liking non white hehe
    Fabulous as ever little LIMette
    See you next week
    Less is More

  3. these are just fabulous!!! Hugs Juls

  4. Both lovely cards, but am really loving the second one. I think you are right, the white is too stark. Lynn x

  5. Great to see grungy styles as i love them too. Prefer the first card as everything works so well. Got some leather look card in my stash might try it out again soon as looks fab:-)

  6. Both cards are great...love the grunge look myself.....love the pops of color on the first...and the vintage look of color on the second...and you are right, it takes lots of time to visit, but I try to do as many a day as I can, and I have seen some great blogs I will revisit...this was my first time for the challenge...thanks for visiting "me"...I appreciate it! Also loved your messy desk in the posts below...I had to click on it so I could "nose" around...I see you have the TH rosette die...I have it too, but mine cuts all the way thru no matter what I try..any hints?? I have cut it and then quickly put his tissue tape on before I fold it, but I shouldn't have to do that.....sigh!!

  7. Fabulous collection - loving them all

  8. Oooo, i think the first one is my favourite - which is surprising for me!

    Love the colours and not a combination i'd think of

  9. Two fab cards - love your style.

  10. Love them both but think the first is my favourite!

  11. These are just gorgeous. I never would have thought of CAS cards being 'grungy', but you have made it work beautifully.
    Love the second one - the frame, the birds, the sentiment - they're all fab.
    Caroline xxx

  12. Beautiful cards -- I'm loving both of them! TFS
    Cheers, Karen

  13. Such great cards! Think the second one is my fave but they're both fab :o) Lisa x

  14. Two great cards. I think I prefer the first one.
    Lynne xxx

  15. Well I'm certainly still learning, I would never have thought of CAS cards being grunged! They are both great cards, tho I think I'm leaning towards the second one a my personal fav. Sarah


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!