Saturday, April 23, 2011

Grungy Monday

Hi there folks,
Sarah sauntering in on a Saturday and just in time for some serious colour therapy. I've just spent 2 days working on a vintage DT project and I is need of a wee break from the neutral tones...So VoilĂ !

This is my entry for Grungy Monday over at Linda's where it is all about doing a Mr. Tim technique. This week we embrace the joys of Texture Fades and Distress. Let's just say I had stardom, extravagance and a bit of insanity going on.

I was up for a laugh I made this tag in less than twenty minutes...a true miracle...for once I ignored my tweakaholic mutterings and allowed my alter-ego to take the driving seat.

I think she looks rather fabulous, I get to live out my wildest Diva urges and I laugh at her every time we meet... so all is well at the Funny Farm here...

Have to skid-addle - off to a party - might even wear that hat...

Also joining in at:
Stamp, Scrap & Doodle Saturday:Taglicious

See you soon,

Sarah .


  1. Great fun piece Sarah, lovely vibrant colours. Tracy x

  2. Love your tag, and all the elements you used. Love those glasses.

  3. Glad I found you though you found me first!! I love your zany,wild tag!! I bet it is a pretty good reflection of your personality. I think we would get along famously!!! Thanks for stopping by my place!

  4. It's so cool it's Uber-cool. Far out and funky. Great work!

  5. Fantastic! Fabby creation Sarah
    Super 'Lady LIM' on there!

    See you soon
    mandi x

  6. Great tag!
    Beautiful colours and design:)
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  7. Fun! :)
    Thanks for playing at SSDS!
    Tammy, DT

  8. That´s a wonderful tag, beautiful colors!

  9. Very nice tag thanks for sharing!!

  10. Very cute, bright and cheery tag Sarah! LOVE it! <3 Candy

  11. 20 minutes? you are a genius, it's gorgeous

  12. Your tag is unquestionably stunning enough for Hollywood! I love the image, and all of your fun embellishments!

  13. Stunning variances in color!

    Thanks so much for playing along with us at SSDS this week!


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!