Wednesday, March 23, 2011

WOYWW, For the Fellas and waffle...

Hello Mercredi, woensdag, miércoles, Wednesday...
Hands up if you remember the weekend. It did pop round to my house but didn't have time to come in for a cuppa so we only chatted on my doorstep. Anyway, back to the mid-week mutterings with a shot of my desk. Looking pretty tidy as I had just cleaned up one mess to make room for a new one...
Just starting on some vintage cards but leaving them until tomorrow. Despite owning a zillion design papers it seems the right shade of brown just ain't one of them.

 So, I could be a very good girlie and get this (today)...
 ...looking like this again (Sep 2010). But I didn't.
(Julia - I hope you now can now go into major gloat mode). I am pretty strict on keeping things tidy in my room, but this ravage of ribbons is my teenage just won't listen.

So with no vintage success or any ribbon joy, I decided to turn my efforts to the Less is More Challenge where the theme is a rather daunting sounding Masculine, or as I prefer to say ...something for a fella. Yes, that obscure and floral free genre we tend to avoid. I decided to go for a modern take on the theme, have fun and rustle up my own decor...

 I played around on the Mac with words and fonts and designed my own paper with the words Rockstar, Hero, Lover... should cover a few avenues in life. Then I cut out three circles, glued them onto card for strength and inked the edges.

Just layered them up with a brown cotton ribbon onto textured green card and there you go.

 Number two...I really wanted to use this male symbol and it made me laugh. Decided to go for the parallel-legged man, as opposed to the wide-legged one - as I wasn't planning on crafting a new toilet sign!!!

I would have liked to have tried out other ideas with this chap but seeing as he had to be hand-cut and painted each time, I took a rain-check. Went for Kraft card-stock this time...which is great with the colours of the words. Is it the world or a giant football? Who knows? But could I send it to a fair gentleman. Me thinketh so...

I will leave you with a sneak preview of next weeks new Design Piece for Simon Says Stamp & Show. The idea is that you now gush "Oooh, that looks so darn intriguing, I will just have to come back..." See you Monday then!

 This weeks challenge is Show us a Word...and my DT piece is on the left. More details here...If you're feeling creative and up for a good challenge I would love to see there. That's the gossip for today. Enjoy yourselves wherever you may be. Thanks very much for calling by...and so many lovely comments. Thanks to all of you!
I'll be around soon too.



  1. Happy WOYWW love all those ink pads on you desk and what a pile of ribbons - great fella cards

  2. Wow what a neat way of keeping ribbons. Mine are squished into a box. Some lovely work this week. Your DT item looks great. Happy WOYWW

  3. great desk and projects today. yup, ribbons are lovely but so hard to keep in order. i particularly like the three circle card. so fitting for the masculine theme.

  4. Isn't it funny how we clean up one mess to make space for another one?
    Love the green card, I'm always for clean and simple. Beautiful.

  5. I had the same problem yesterday. Couldn't find the right colours. And it's not good for your mood. Good to see that your ribbons are a mess too.
    Bye Franka

  6. You have been very productive and the 'man' cards are perfectly suitable. I know what you're saying about your brown being not quite the right shade, I get that all the time with my fabrics. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Gosh it is looking tidy, that piece done looks mighty interesting.

    Kay (Toodles & Binks)

  8. Hey that desk is fab and your next week's piece IS darned intriguing!! I have just started to do this challenge and will post my THIS week later today, so will look forward to seeing the whole YOU soon!!! tee hee

  9. I very much will say wow! Love your man cards, very less is more! The sneak peak IS intriguing. See you Monday for sure. Now, go get your ribbons tidy, lady! Have a great day.

  10. I'm loving your newly crafted "toilet sign" card - your comments made me chuckle too - Happy Wednesday


  11. Two super cards Sarah, the first one is my favourite, love the green base card. x

  12. Love what you've done with your ribbons - I had an accident with my ribbon box - well not me exactly but my cat decided it made a great alternative to a toilet - and the whole lot had to be thrown out. grrrr x

  13. Looks like you have been very busy with various craft projects, I love your cards and the sneek peeps!!
    Have a great WOYWW,
    Karen #11

  14. As fabulous as ever Sarah, love those masculine cards and I think that your homemade script paper is super!
    Nice peek at your desk too!
    "Less is More"

  15. Great desk and projects, lovely cards....thanks for sharing Jo (51) xxx

  16. What a fantastic set of CAS cards love your organisation too, my ribbons are a dreadful mess lol! Enjoying the mooch hugs Rebekah xx 57

  17. Your desk looks great! All those ink pads! Love the peek photo, will have to come back and see the finished project!

  18. Great Less is More cards you have made! They are clean and yet effective!
    And yes you do have me intrigued with your shot of the new Design Piece!
    xoxo Karen #22

  19. ooo Sasa so much fun going on over at your house

    ...and fancy you having a giant monkey NOW!! you know you will haveto post him now or we wont beflieve you have him!!???

    ...after all Méchant wants to see what a giant monkey looks like??
    I will have to hold his hand as he peeks, of course but we are waiting....TFS!
    Shaz In Oz (and Méchant). xxoo

  20. Wow - you have a lot going on!
    Thanks for visiting me.
    Hugs, Sandra

  21. Sarah, it sounds to me as though your tool collection really NEEDS a new addition - a Silhouette die cutter. You could then have set it up to cut as many men as you wanted with little or no hassle. I could not do without mine these days. You do seem to be a very vusy creative person this week.

  22. WOW your super organized, already ahead with your Dt work, good for you.
    Love your less is more cards, especially toilet man lol, i must remember i have that shape on one of my slice carts, he's quality :D
    happy woyww
    StAy InKy
    hUgS MiNxY x

  23. Great cards - had to chuckle at the toilet sign man - yes you are right!
    If you haven't already, then please pop over to our blog shop and get your name down in the BIG celebration draw.

    Good luck

  24. Love your cards!

    And your ribbons, even as they are, are positively organised compared to mine at the moment!


  25. Lots to see today; thanks for the peek at your space.

  26. I like your ribbon holders.
    Happy WOYWW! # 77

  27. Love your homemade script paper. Super idea. x

  28. since you ask my debauched weekend was spent impersonating Carmen's 'Rock Lover Hero' for my Comic Relief 'keep on giving' saturday blogpost,

    will see you at the reveal on Monday (I secretly stalk since I don't always have time to comment on everyone's blogs...except weds when I make superhuman efforts)


  29. "Oooh, that looks so darn intriguing, I will just have to come back..."


    Love the Fella Cards - perhaps we can talk Sir Tim, or the Lords of Sizzix into creating a parallel legged man die....

    Thanks for stopping by!

  30. Hi Sarah, Happy WOYWW! I think your card for the Less is More Challenge is perfect! It's simple and masculine. Love your creative desk. Thanks for stopping by mine. :-)

  31. Afternoon Sarah, lovely organised tidy desk. You are a very clever lady to think of those word and print them out on card and put them into circles super man card..The other one made me laugh but again very clever. thanks for visiting, hope you get to finish off your other DT work. Have fun. Hugs

  32. How come it always looks like the middle of the night in your room? Although I do like the warm glow in your pics today. Great Fella projects, computers are really, really useful for crafting aren't they?

    Brenda 84

  33. I think maybe my weekend & yours ran away together- I wondered where mine went! Shaz #122

  34. Love those male cards and I am intrigued with that pic. Your desk looks very creative.
    Happy WOYWW
    Rebecca x (32)

  35. Fantastic cards SArah
    Super to see you as always
    "Less is More"

  36. Lovely work!!! Very organized desk. I hope to see the vintage cards and that piece your working on for next week.

  37. Hi Sasa
    very busy desk, ya ribbons look lovely n tidy, but for how long! lol,happy WOYWW, sue,x

  38. Love what you have done with the circles for the Mans thing card. Yep I have a big monkey too called Side kick. He lives in my car snuggled between the seats and holds Hubby's base ball cap for when the sun is shinning!!!
    Hugs Mrs A. #54

  39. FAB cards, but I do lean towards the green one.

  40. Super cards and a great desk!

    Happy WOYWW

    Ali x

  41. I love the graphic style of both your cards, striking colours too x

  42. Ooo fabby bits and pieces Sarah, love your work space! Kim

  43. Looking good, Sasa... nice and easy card ideas for the menfolk (I can always use an idea...) Your peeks look very interesting, too. I may just have to investigate...
    Starting to sleet... so much for spring!

  44. Great take on the challenge........perfectly male and I love the waffle!!!

  45. I like your pile of ribbons, they always look nicer than all neat and tidy I think, well that's my excuse anyway.
    Love your "fella" cards. The writing looks great.
    Hugs Lisax

  46. Love the circles card...very unique and creative. Don't know that I'd have know how to include the "man" stamp on a card...but this is perfecT!

  47. still laughing at the toilet comment LOL!

  48. Very busy and creative desk! Love all the fun stuff. NIce cards! Thanks for sharing! Vickie #162

  49. Ooh lots of lovely things to look at on your desk:) Thanks for stopping by yesterday.
    Fiona xx

  50. much to comment! Great always....the desk full of goodies....must laugh at the ribbon mess....I have three boxes of ribbon in the same state - I am asking my DBF from England to buy me some dolly pegs to sort the ribbon out but he hasn't done it yet so it is all his fault!(He, he) Love your M cards - I didn't have a clue what to make so I gave up! See you Monday you secretive girl you!
    Lots of hugs,

  51. So now I have to remember to come back on Monday.... My little brain is intrigued.

  52. You have been busy. Lovely cards, I really struggle with male cards. Funny how the right shade of brown is never in your stash, I seem to have that problem with green. Had 11 shades in my stash, but not the right shade... weird.
    Happy belated WOYWW

  53. We never have the right colours that's why we keep buying! Love the house creation, fab!!Thanks for sharing your workspace and visiting me. Carolxx

  54. i just love the peg doll family, what a great way to store ribbons
    thanks for sharing

  55. When your ribbons are sorted, please pop around. I have one clever idea on show and four boxes of not-so-clever teenaged ribbons.

    Been poorly so short & sweet this week
    Shirl #38 again!

  56. Oooh look at all the lovely inkpads! :D I love the look of that vintage couple stamp in the background too.

    Good luck with sorting the ribbons... and finding that perfect shade of brown patterned paper! :)

    Thanks for your comment on my blog - to answer your question, the drawer unit in my craft room is a triple stacker unit from I'd wanted one for ages and I looooove it! :D

    Ali #50

  57. I hope seeing my desk made you feel better about your ribbon! Because seeing your wonderful font sampler has given me a great idea of ways to share my love of fonts.

    cheers, rachel


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!