Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Red and White is rather alright....

Just popping by with my weekly dose of Less is More. I think this great blog is definitely the "New Black" as they say, in the CAS card world, as there are now droves of us checking in each week. As always - really relishing the challenge each week...it gets my brain ticking and whirring along as good as any of my more detailed projects do. Also Mandi and Chrissie's passion for creativity and quality work is also a huge bonus - thanks ladies!

 This week I am totally in love with red and white. My sewing bug is also starting to tap at the door again so what better way to combine them all than with this card. The challenge this week is to use a tall thin card and a sketch. The card was actually longer at first, but I ended up snipping off the top 2cms or so as it looked far too long. Didn't measure - went by eye and feel. I had the idea for a few days and I'm pleased to say it turned out just as I hoped. The contrasting red and white colours do all the work for me!

 The gingham ribbon always make me feel nostalgic so this little stamp is just perfect to help echo a little 1950's feeling...

My ancient sewing machine can still run up a zig-zag and then I added a piece of red darning thread and then sewed the buttons on by hand. I hate to glue buttons - they don't like it either! Finished off with a little light inking around the edges and done!

Then in true Sarah style, I just had to do one more...although this one kind of had a mind of it's own...
I think that theoretically this one may not be eligible for the Beauty Pageant...sigh.
I have flipped both the card and the sketch but I love it anyway. So even though this is not an official entry, using a sketch is also about being inspired so... I can conclude that all is well.

A close-up purely because I just love looking at detail ! Not because I think I have expert stitching skills...

More scrumptious buttons. Only a ribbon and line of zig-zag on this one as the thread was too much.
Just a simple sentiment and this card is good to go...just like me!

Signing off...Hope you enjoy them. Do pop over to Less is More for more of more.

Thanks for visiting, see you again soon.

Sarah .


  1. Lovely clean and simple style, love the ribbons and the colour. Love your work and I have an award for you on my blog. Tracy Evans x

  2. Who can go wrong with red gigham.....which goes so well with stitching and stitching means buttons too! I really like the simplicity of your second card but both are pleasing to the eye.

  3. You may enjoy looking at our challenges each week, but boy do we like looking at your cards!
    These are simply as wonderful as ever!Classic lines and perfect CAS!
    Thanks once more Sarah!
    "Less is More"

  4. Lovely cards - really enjoyed the post!

  5. I love the stitching, buttons and the ribbon off the edge of the card....basically all of it X

  6. Lovely card Sarah - the red gingham, stitching adn the buttons are very reminiscent of a bygone age. Elizabeth x

  7. WOW Sarah you blow me away with your designs, I love them!
    Thank you so much for your kind words, we are so delighted at the way it has taken off and it;s thanks to people like you...THANK YOU
    Great to se you
    Less is More"

  8. Just love the idea of buttons on your cards...all lovely cards


  9. Beautiful...simply beautiful!!!

  10. Two beautiful cards Sarah, love the gingham and the buttons. x

  11. I love this! really like how you have stitche the ribbon and added the buttons

  12. Hi Sarah, many thanks for the kind words on my blog for my first entry into the world of Clean and Simple. Your cards are so elegant, I hardly ever stamp in any colour but black, looking at your cards I realise I must try to be more creative. Sarah

  13. These are so stylish - love them.

  14. such a stylish card! Loving the red and white together!! Hugs Juls

  15. Love the red and white and that you've turned the sketch sideways. Fab cards.

  16. Fabulous! I love them but I am a sucker for gingham.
    Lynne xxx

  17. Super cards especially love your tall one. Love gingham ribbon! x

  18. What a great take on the sketch, Love them both :O)


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