Monday, February 14, 2011

Just a few blooms - Less is more...

Hello again,
Sarah here again...enjoying a free Monday and the pleasures of some simple stamping and crafting. The weekend was an intensive session, so today was a chance to keep things simple and pure.
The new blog "Less is More" took off with a real bang last week and this weeks flowers or trees 'one layer' challenge is already in full swing. (I must add I ended up with as much mess on my craft table as ever - a place where more is more, and less is more!) Here is what I got up to...

 I decided to go for some stencilling to create the flower background. I used the cut-outs left from punching flowers as a stencil and used different shades of Distress Inks for the flowers. Just think how many punches we all have lying around doing nothing - the options are is a cheap and easy way to drum up lots of new designs!

I then stamped the sentiment in Coffee Archival and inked the edges of the card for that extra bit of focus. Just like last week - you need to be pretty darn clean and I used several stencils to keep things smudge free. I must admit that one or two little certain flower positions were determined by a speck of wayward ink!

Here is a second variation using Kraft card stock and blue paint rather than ink. I love working with paint as you get just that bit of extra texture. It is very important to heat set each flower before moving onto the next  - otherwise it can be a right old slippery ride! A card stencil is needed as paper gets too soggy - and you definitely need a fresh stencil each time with paint.

I stamped over the top with Sepia Archival. It adheres well but also gives a translucent quality to the sentiment. As you can see I was able to play with the tones by adding different degrees of white to the blue. Again - endless options and colour schemes to go for - which means you can always find the right colour! I distressed and inked the card edged as this one has a slightly Shabby feel.

And number three! Decided to go for a more modern look using white card with pink and purple distress inks. Ah yes, white - the most exposed, tell-tale surface of all. Patience, patience, patience ladies...and lots of clean stencils ready before you start to avoid the temptation of just hoping for the best.

Not normally a purple girl, but I do like this one and the quirky stamp. It is also good to think about the colour of the sentiment as it plays a big role in the whole look - so I did a few test runs on scrap paper to see if the contrast was right. Makes all the difference - really.

Here is a shot of the aftermath. You can see the stencils I used and an array of lovely shades left by all that paint and ink...Had a great time again. I really like the joint venture of simplicity and concentration. I also love it when a plan comes together...

So come on girls - get busy recycling all those punch-outs and unused punches. If you can punch it or cut it out - you got a stencil! Just think of all those die-cuts lying around...
Head on over to Less is More to see all the other great entries, and have a go too. It really does you good. Joining in with a few challenges too...
Totally Paper Crafts
Secret Crafter

Ciao for now,



  1. What a fabulous post Sarah, I really enjoyed reading how you did these cards, especially with the tips along the way!
    Punches are such useful little things aren't they. Thanks so much for returning for another challenge, it's great to have you along!
    "Less is More"

  2. Fab set of cards. I bet you had a grteat time getting "Inky". My favourite is the modern one, but are all lovely. xx

  3. Just love your stencil idea on your cards a very pretty card.


  4. Hi Sarah
    these are lovely ...a clever idea ....


  5. what a great idea, and so much helpful info in your post - another fun, new technique to try out - thanks!

  6. These are fab cards and a great idea. I am all for 'recycling'. Love Sheila (Cyprus)

  7. I really like these cards - great use of left over bits!! I particularly like the last card - fab sentiment!

  8. Great cards and so simple and clever.

  9. What a great way to use the off cuts from the punches, these are all beautiful. I think the first one is my favourite, I love the sunny colours.
    It's nice to see someone who makes as much mess as me when they are creating!!
    Hugs Lisax

  10. What beautiful cards, I love the colours of the first one best. Thanks also for the tips!

  11. This is so pretty!
    Thanks for the inspiration:) And thank you for your sweet comment.
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  12. What a great read! Thanks for sharing how you got to the end results...3 WOW well done, you look as if you had a lot of fun along the way"
    I love the modern one, even though Im not a purple gal either!

    Thanks so much for participating, much appreciated
    "Less is More"

  13. What a brilliant idea. Why didn`t I think of that ??? Fabulous card.
    Lynne xxx

  14. Fab them all and love the "be silly" sentiment.
    Diane x

  15. I liked No.3 best especially with the sentiment. A good idea to keep old punch outs I usually bin them! x

  16. I often use punched out shapes for's a great way to use and reuse items!! Love how the cards each look so different with just a change of color!

  17. Wow amazing creation, and beautiful colours

    thanks for sharing with us at Secret Crafter: 121 A Stamped Flower

    Good luck with the challenge,
    Hugs Bridget :) x.

  18. Gorgeous cards!
    Thanks for joining us at the SCSC!
    Helen x

  19. How did I miss this post?, how simple you make it all sound, they are beautiful cards.


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!