Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What's on your work desk (floor and heart) Wednesday???

Fine Wednesday greetings to everyone - for here we are again. Golly, at this rate we might be on the Turkey sandwiches next week...
Whilst taking the usual Tuesday pictures of the dishevelled craft den for Julia's WOYWD, my husband said, "I think you should all take a picture of the floor sometime...look at it." Indeed... but I do do my best to salvage any snippets and goodies from the aftermath each night. Amazing what you find down there. For once I am willing to embrace the chaos as a sign of some intensive creative goings-on... Good to just get right into the thick of it and indulge. As you can see lots on the go. My first Christmas offering hiding under a bag on the right...having fun with it - never done big numbers - but sometimes things need time and thought to flourish, so letting it breathe for a while.

A mini baby-boom has descended upon family and friends here, so I felt inspired to make something celebrating the little wonders to be. Returning to my love of vintage and mini-art again.These are a bit bigger than inchies, but still I adore spending hours working with a tiny area (really Julia - it can be wonderful!)

I painted and aged a canvas and then added a doily as background before putting it all together with various ribbons and vintage buttons. The camera (well, me) had a hard time picking up the true the colours. Hope you can get an impression. I am also very pleased with the hanger. Quite a robust addition to the canvas but they suit each other perfectly - just enough metal to stop too much cuteness creeping in!
Again, tweaked until the small hours...but I am pretty fussy about composition (that'll be my dancers side there) - there has to be a certain balance which just can just suddenly fall into place.
Here is a close-up of the flower.The blue flowery backgrounds were made by transferring printed paper onto sticky-back canvas to create a linen/fabric look.
Famous dance quote," It is not about adding more, it is when there is nothing more that needs to be taken away..."

 Last week I was having a little inner conflict with my own short-comings and aspirations. I had decided to re-invest in my own instincts. Thank you for all the lovely words. Good to hear. And just then - an extra wink from Above - I discover I had made the Top Three at Simon Says with the following. A truly amazing little big moment for me, I have to say. Did you see my blinkie?!?

So one happy lady here. Hey, it can be good to be me. So, on that encouraging note - I wish you all farewell and I hope you can pick up a little of my feeling good glimmer dust. Thanks a lot for dropping by last week and today. Looking forward to seeing everyone again. I'm on my way...

Sarah x


  1. You do some amazing work and the hangar is stunning....I love the colours and layout. Pam (20)

  2. I love all that lushousness on your desk! And show us the floor, show us the floor...!!

  3. Hi Sarah

    gorgeous little art works for gorgeous little people :O)


  4. Really love the projects on show today.
    A x

  5. thanks for sharing your lovely blog with us your work is stunning - have a crafty week Liz (19)

  6. I'm glad you're embracing the chaos, no point trying to keep tidy when you're in full creative flow ;-) The canvas is gorgeous as is the entry for Simon Says
    Anne x (58)

  7. oh gorgoues work you have created love yoru desk too lots to see love cheryl xxx

  8. well it certainly looks like u have everything to hand on your for the floor.. well just look at mine and you'll see it just a natural extension of the desk lol

    Both your pieces of art are totally divine x

  9. Lovely busy desk and some gorgeous artwork today. Happy WOYWW day.

  10. Great pics! Thank you for sharing!

    Pop over to my blog for a chance to win lovely candy. :)


  11. Love the canvas. It is so satisfying when they turn out as well as yours.
    Have a lovely day
    sue xx 66

  12. gorgeous as always....I have such a messy floor at the mo ....oops well done on making the top three you so deserve it xx

  13. I love your vintage take on things. Thanks for the snoop, have a good day


  14. Congratulations on making top three! What a great piece of art! And your little plaques are beauuuutiful! Yes i do think the metal hanger adds a hard contrast to the soft colors and textures! Nice work!

  15. Well done you! Always lovely to be complimented on your work :-)

    I WISH I could use one of my monitors at work for bloginess but alas, all blogs, forums, twitter, facebook etc have been blocked. How evil is that???


  16. hello Sarah :o) thanks for your lovely comments :D I love the idea of the handle on the canvas infact I love the canvas fullstop :D ... Your desk looks like a place i could happily sit & play :D x take care

  17. Love the art, it looks really amazing. And well done for the award. Happy WOYWW, Love Elliefantasy xx

  18. Well done on your top 3 winning - love the canvas, gorgeous colour combo! Thanks for stopping by.....

  19. Ooh GORGEOUS canvas. :) Your desk looks just FAB to me. :) Have a good week. Gez. (#46)

  20. You have such a lot of fab things to play with on your desk - lovely projects too!!

  21. Looks to me like what you really need are some shelves above your desk!! Love your canvas and enjoyed having a nosey round your workspace.

  22. Congratulations! You can be proud of being in the top 3. Of course, it doesn't surprise me in the least because you are SO very talented. I really love the card and everything you make. I keep getting a 503 error, so will try again for the 4th time! Happy WOYWW from #2.

  23. Neat canvases and so TRUE about treasures on the floor - LOL!

  24. Me thinks I want all your goodies! (grin) Amazing canvas hanging, I really love it! Thanks so much for the peek!
    ~Shari #124

  25. Thank you so much Sarah for sharing your amazing work with us. I love your workdesk too....I could get lost for ages looking through all your interesting things. Congratualtions too on your award at Simon Says....definitely well-deserved. Thanks also for popping by and looking at my workdesk this week.

  26. you've got some lovely little bits and bobs to play with there.
    I have to keep my floor clean - the youngest puts everything in her mouth still

    Angela (120)

  27. Love your creative, busy desk! lol about your husband and the floor! Mine doesn't venture into my craft room very often (thank goodness!)

    I like your canvas with the flower - very pretty and it sounds like an interesting technique too.

    Sherry 118

  28. lovely projects, thanks for the peek

  29. ooh Sarah - the last photo - the Vogue Pattern Lady as I call her - it's one of my fav stamps - and I love your use of it - and all your things today as lovely - as for floor craft - well you saw mine!!! {hee hee}

    Dx (36 - but you have been to me already...)

  30. Love the hanger - thanks for sharing
    Sarah #16

  31. Lovely hanging!
    I also love your Really Useful Box with the little section thingies in!

  32. A beautiful Post, and an extremely well organised desk. Love the painted canvas, and congrats. on the Simon Says accolade.
    Sylvia x

  33. Sounds like you're having a lovely time. Congrats on the top 3 and I admire your endless patience to work small!!
    Fantastic work space and I don't know what we'd do if we didn't have the floor to store all the craftiness on too!!
    Hugs Lisax

  34. I love that blue canvas! It looks fantastic. Yes, sometimes cameras (or the monitor) have difficulties in representing the true color. However, this looks beautiful. And congrats on the top 3!

  35. Love your desk (but then, u knew I would...we're a little alike when it comes to desk ethics. Lol.) I, too, use the floor. Sometimes when the Cuttlebug won't fit on the desk. But supplies wait patiently on the floor also. I just need to watch where I walk. I'm constantly side-stepping precariously! Thx for the comment on my blog! Happy WOYWW.

  36. PS didn't mention that I love your canvas creation. Anything with words, type, script make me happy!

  37. love your little hanging canvas. i think your idea about photos of the floor is a good idea. there is so much overflow that just doesn't fit on the workdesk.

  38. Your workdesk looks very inviting. So many interesting things.... LOVE your canvas. A lovely piece. Congrats on the Simon Says top three. Very much deserved.

  39. These are absolutely WONDERFUL!!!!

  40. I love your art.
    Happy WOYWW
    Carol (111)

  41. Love the vintage style canvas and congratulations on your win. You have a lovely creative style.

    Crafty Creations by AJ

  42. Your desk is full of goodness and you are producing lovely things on it. Congrats on your win! Enjoyed reading all you wrote too.
    JoZarty x

  43. Oooh, love the canvas and the metal hanging - you are right, the contrast works! Where did you find the handles? I feel the need!!
    Congratulations on the win, its a stunning project!

  44. Love the way you distressed the doily. I just used a plain white one. I am going to distress my next project. Thanks for letting me snoop. Linda #78

  45. oh I love this view...loved looking at all your wonderful inkpads! Thanks for stopping in to say Hello! sue #25

  46. loved the look of your projects this week and had a laugh at what your husband said. yup, sometimes my desk looks okay tidy but the floor is another story!

  47. #142
    Congrats on your achievement with that delightful card. Love your wallhanging you have just done.

  48. Fabulous art, especially love your baby canvas...i often ahe a collect up from the floor, and find things I thought were lost forever! Happy WOYWW...Esther xx

  49. Stunning pieces - truly adore those tags, you clever person you! :-) Christine #7

  50. Love your canvas! Anything I drop on the floor is lost forever as one of the cats is likely to decide it's their new toy and run off with it! :D

  51. Wonderful creations on your desk! Thanks for paying a visit to my exceptionally clean and empty desk! # 139 who failed to be the last one in the list

  52. Love your little hanging - so cute!
    Nice to see a desk that reminds me of mine - I'm a bit concerned though that that tub of buttons is looking very precarious, hanging over the edge....

  53. What lovely inky goodness!! I know all about letting it breathe for a while! LOL! Thanks for sharing. keeleyxx

  54. thanks for stopping by my blog!

    WOW! thats alot of goodies you have on your desk!

    if I had half as many goodies, I will never leave my office!

    thanks, have a great day!

  55. thanks for visiting my blog... i have returned the snoopy favour and had a right good zoom in on your desk - clicking and making the pic as big as possibe. I love it!!!! Loved looking at your inkpads (sad, I know)...

    Well done on your win at Simon Says - and love the baby project - its adorable.

    Paula x x x

  56. Thank you for stopping by my new blog.
    Now that's an impressively busy desk you have there, lots to see. Thank you for sharing.
    I'm laughing at your husband's comments about our floors, he's sooo right in what he says. Because I don't have anything on my feeI 'walk' all the little bits all over the house.

  57. Looks like we're caught you mid flow Sarah, lots to see. The card and hanger are both wonderful.

    Brenda 96


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