Wednesday, September 22, 2010

WOYWW? - Well, this that and the other...

Morning, afternoon or evening everyone! I hope this weeks WOYWW finds everyone in fine spirits (and better than mine were on Monday). Yesterday I was, at last, able to spend some quality time in my little room safe among friends... my ever-loyal ink, paint, papers and stamps. Always glad to see me... they are, you know.
 So in my world, more time means more mess, more dabbling, more pondering and yet more tweaking. I had hoped to have my wall-hanging off and on display but as I am able to spend an hour rearranging two bits of lace - me is a wee bit behind. As you can see the hanging is emerging. Although I have had my Crop-a-dile Big Bite quite a while, this is the first time I have really used it.

 I was always so scared of getting the combo wrong and busting it - was a Christmas pressy from watch out. But it is a bit like the funny labelled bottle in Alice in Wonderland, except it's saying "Use meeeeeee!" Anyway, I have punched and eyeleted to great success and it really is a cinch and a great gizmo.

Just want to share a few of my fragments from the hanging. I have really enjoyed doing the Claudine Hellmuth course and it really gets you into using paint in great ways and helps broaden your horizons. Her little pots of magic stuff aren't cheap but the quality is really top-notch. Great coverage, creaminess and versatility.

The bottom one was a bit of a mistake to begin with. I ended up painting my sticky back canvas four times as it had gone wrong but I ended up with a really silky, almost kid leather effect. So I ran it through my Epic and then swiped with some tan paint. The middle one is just clear embossing on patterned paper with a wash of diluted green paint to tone it all down, followed by a quick wipe to reveal a bit of shine on the flourish...but I love the subtle hues.
The pale lemon one is my absolute fave. I adore vintage Victorian wallpaper such as Farrow and Ball and now I've made some! (Should do my whole chimney breast now...)
Stamped onto canvas with gesso, dried and swooshed with yellow and a hint of tan. Hope you can see the textures...
Hopefully next week you can see the finished thing.

Thanks to all my visitors last week...ATC is off to Helen in Surrey!

For all of you off to Ally Pally, have a great time and be kind to both yourself and your bank balance... I really, really want to go but have a big party the night before and would have to drive for ages - so maybe not. Sigh. Never say never...


  1. Great desk, have a good Wednesday. S (13)

  2. Love your desk. Have a good day. Bet you come to AP..... (19)

  3. You have done a great job with the eyelet setter. Would you recommend a Crop-a dile, I was thinking of buying one?

    Your desk is great, it is both tidy and busy at the same time!!
    Have a good week.
    Sue xx 8

  4. Wonderful creations going on there. Those classes are fab aren't they. Christine (Link No.11) :-)

  5. Love your creations. You've done a fab job with a toy you aren't familiar with :-)
    A x

  6. thanks for sharing your space with us happy WOYWW love the harlequin embossing folder - not got that one - now on my to get list - love and (HUGS) Liz (24)

  7. Hi Sasa
    great piccies, i have the cropadile not really used it much i have to confess!! have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (3)

  8. I love CH paints and you have made me want to do the class, will have to go and see if she is running it again sometime. Love the fragments and your desk space.

    Sarah (57)

  9. busy and productive looking workspace!
    Can't wait to see the wallhanging.
    (no 64)

  10. I am in awe at your alcohol ink storage. Brill.

    Joanne x

  11. Wow, I love those pieces on your work desk. My crop-a-dile was a lifesaver. It really works through everything, even CDs and some pretty hefty cardboard. Yep, hope you finish these. They are lovely already. Happy WOYWW from # 2.

  12. Lovely little left overs from the wall hanging. I have a Cropodile and use it a fair bit, my only complaint is it's very large and heavy for my small hands to use! Love the stash of inks to the left of your workspace.

    Brenda (88)

  13. Great desk. Love the embossing you have done. (100)

  14. Fabulous embossing! I love it and your wonderful work area. I would be in heaven with all of those things!

  15. Great tags and things going on, fab working space you have, wish I could be so tidy! Love the embossing..Have a great woyww

  16. I love all the stuff on your desk - much going on there after I enlarged the photo. Happy WOYWW - Carola, 92

  17. Love all the items on your desk and love your pieces of art, great techniques with the paint, sounds like you gained a great deal from the course. Tracy Evans, No. 17

  18. I love the colours you chose - soft and subtle.

  19. Your workspace is calling my name. It wants me to come over for a play date. LOL I could have so much fun there. Happy WOYWW #50, Linda

  20. I love your desk - its very busy and organised! those tags looks fab - I too have been playing about with my paints a bit more recently too. I also store all my ribbons on dolly pegs - stick with the winding, its worth it in the end when they are all in the box looking neat and tidy and, best of all, accessible! Sunshine Girl (28).

  21. Your desk looks like it has a lot planned for it. #98

  22. Thanks for sharing your workspace with us - looking forward to seeing the hanging - those bits look very interesting.#45

  23. Lots of lovely artwork on your desk, love the colour combinations of your tags. Desk looks very organised with all the different colouring mediums. Big hugs JO,xxxx

  24. Gorgeous colours on your fragments. Can't wait to see it finished. Ally Pally is a bit far for me too so the Bank Manager can sleep peacefully this week!!

    A.xx (38)

  25. Oooh, can't wait for my ATC to turn up! I love your experiments, that's just the sort of thing I enjoy doing at my desk - inking and spraying and splodging and swiping and embossing and tweaking...:D Helen (46)

  26. Wow! Look at all those ink pads! Some really interesting things going on here... Those pieces look really beautiful. I hope you will show us the finished product! Thanks for your lovely comment, you gave me some great ideas!

  27. Glad you got over your big bite fear - it's pretty robust, after all! Like the pieces that yu're going to incorporate; have heard nothing but good about Claudine's course. So what is the lump of wood you're using as your photo base then?

  28. Love the look of your fragments. I have the Big Bite too and have used it a couple of times. Problem is after using, I put it back in it's box then in a cupboard - should really leave it out!

    Hope you're not (too!)hung over after your party!

    Sherry (103)

  29. love all your textured and distressed stuff...I still haven't mastered any of that, though I do love the look! Happy woyww x (#61)


Thanks so much for being here! I'd love to hear what you have to say so babble forth...!